United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Final Report of the StatCapCA Project Strengthening the Statistical Capacity of Central Asian Countries to Monitor the Progress toward the Millennium Development Goals Fifth SPECA PWG Meeting Paris 8 June 2010 UNECE Statistical Division
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 28 June 2010 Main fields of activities Population and social conditions Health status of the population Economic development especially Non- Observed Economy Additionally Study visits on best practices to the Conference of European Statisticians
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 38 June 2010 Partners and cooperation Close collaboration with CISSTAT, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States UNESCAP, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific UNDESA, UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs UNSD, UN Statistics Division Carrying out training activities with Population censuses: UNFPA, Eurostat and the US Census Bureau, the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Italian Statistical Bureau Health status statistics: The World Bank, WHO and Eurostat, the Washington Group on Disability Statistics Non-Observed Economy: OECD, Eurostat and ILO
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 48 June 2010 Population and social conditions Training Workshops Baku 2006: Management of the Census process Dushanbe 2007: Census Questionnaire design Astana 2007: Census Technology Ashgabat 2007: Census Management and Questionnaire Design (National Workshop) Advisory Missions Bishkek 2008, Dushanbe 2009 Notable progress was achieved The 2010 round of Population and Housing Censuses prepared to a large extent, according to the CES Census Recommendations At this stage, the date of the next population Census has not yet been set by Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 58 June 2010 Measuring the Health Status of the population Training Workshops Bishkek 2006: Disability Statistics Bangkok 2008: UNESCAP Workshop on promoting disability data collection through the 2010 Population and Housing Censuses The goal to increase capacity in Health Statistics achieved to a smaller extent The completely new activity explains the modest results New statistics demand time and resources and support Visible results obtained in a pilot study in Kazakhstan Knowledge of concepts and methods acquired Supports the process towards ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 68 June 2010 Non-Observed Economy Training Workshops Bishkek 2007: International recommendations on NOE Geneva 2008: NOE in National Accounts Advisory missions Dushanbe 2007, Baku 2008 Despite challenges, all countries now estimate NOE on a regular basis and following international standards Possibility to improve estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) Countries have implemented new methods and initiated new surveys Data unreliable in most countries to include estimates of illegal activities in GDP, except in Turkmenistan Development of the exhaustiveness of National Accounts continues
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 78 June 2010 Study visits on best practices in Official statistics Conference of European Statisticians Paris 2006 Geneva 2007 Paris 2008 Evaluation Meeting of this project, Istanbul 2009 Meetings of the SPECA Project Working Group back-to-back to the Conference Continuation to fund these study visits with the World Bank
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 88 June 2010 Lessons learned Important to engage in contacts with the beneficiary countries in early stages of planning To respond to real needs Active country participation is fruitful Piloting new areas in small scale Disability statistics first piloted by Kazakhstan, others to follow Where to get resources to implement new recommendations? National conditions need be considered to find the best practical solutions Technology and practical solutions need to be addressed to achieve sustainable results Continuous effort to coordinate training offered by different organizations needed
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 98 June 2010 Continuation on the short-term Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses in Geneva 7-9 July 2010 All interested in developing indicators of Health Status Further work based on the experiences of Kazakhstan? Workshop planned on Health and Mortality Statistics 2010? Cooperation with ESCAP in technology for censuses SPECA PWG at least until 2011 Training materials available at: