Study visits: tool for cooperation and learning Hélène Hamers Cedefop Bratislava, 6 September
Cedefop European agency for the development of vocational training (Thessaloniki, Greece) Centre of knowledge and expertise Research, analysis, scientific advice and networking to provide evidence and support in: developing/implementing VET policy European cooperation in VET 2
Cedefop objective and activities 3
Study visits as part of Lifelong learning A strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020) A strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020) (12 May 2009): making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. 4
Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) Comenius School education Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Leonardo da Vinci Initial and continuing VET Grundtvig Adult education Transversal programme 4 key activities – Policy cooperation and innovation (Study Visits); Language learning; ICT; Dissemination Jean Monnet programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European Associations 5
Cedefop’s tasks calls for proposals - annual catalogue; calls for applications - composition of groups; support to quality of visits – ensuring coherence with European priorities; assessment and evaluation of implementation and results; dissemination of results. 6
Study visits in 2011/ visits - 29 countries applications selected participants - 33 countries 7
Why to apply Great experience Improving key competencies New ideas and inspiration for initiating changes and improve existing practice Ideas for further cooperation and networking among participating institutions 8
How to apply asp?cid=2&artid=7194&scid=74&artlang= EN asp?cid=2&artid=7194&scid=74&artlang= EN Search for a visit Deadline: 12 October 2012 (noon ECT) 9
Participants’ role and tasks Good preparation Active participation Continuous follow up 10
Evaluation and dissemination Group report:Group report –findings –organisation –overall satisfaction Participant questionnaire : 11
Group report should: help the participants, through discussion and exchange of impressions, summarise their learning experience, bringing it to an analytical level; provide Cedefop and NA with information to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the programme implementation, its outcomes; to disseminate the acquired knowledge among the experts in the themes and to the general public at national and European level; give the organiser an idea about how well the visit went and food for reflection for future visits that they might wish to host. 12
After visit reflect on your experience tell others about the visit (in your institution and wider) maintain contacts participate in events promote the study visits programme and disseminate the SV results 13
Management Information System - OLIVE 14
Study visits success 15
Have a fruitful and interesting visit! 16