PIMMS TRANSFER Master Class TIM CORDY: FINAL SESSION Critical Success Factors Lessons learned Links with other projects
PIMMS TRANSFER Master Class Critical Success Factors Lessons learned Links with other projects
CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS What are they? In PIMMS: Methodology From the database From the visits In PIMMS TRANSFER
CSFs what are they? Business tool to identify necessary sufficient conditions for success In PIMMS and PIMMS TRANSFER, used as the basis of ‘transfer methodology’
Number of new projects/activities/approaches resulting from the exchange/ dissemination of experience at interregional events 69 Number of “regional policies/instruments” addressed 45 Study tours and staff exchanges70 Entries on database210 PIMMS: Main Outcomes
PIMMS: Methodology1 DATABASE “ consider the following possible CSFs”: onational/EU pilot; olocal political leadership; olocal technical leadership; osuccessful demonstration from elsewhere; oinspiration from another field; opartnership with others; ostakeholder engagement; oother “consider which of these are significant in the success (or failure!) of each initiative and, if possible, to give the CSF a score, as follows: 'primary'=3; ‘necessary’=2; ‘sufficient’=1; ‘not relevant’=0”
PIMMS: Methodology1 OUTCOMES “The original list of possible CSFs and scoring system has largely been ignored and the identification of Critical Success Factors in the case studies was not extensive … most reports briefly described only one or two CSFs. In order to achieve a full understanding of criteria for a project’s success, it would be very useful for partners to provide a more thorough analysis of CSFs when reporting on study tours and visits.” Short list of CSFs, derived from a small sample of the best practice database entries
PIMMS CSFs from database [2006] Political leadership (early engagement) Integrated approach Stakeholder engagement/ Partnerships Education/Marketing Technical leadership/Monitoring Accessibility Physical/cultural
PIMMS: Methodology2 STUDY VISITS System of forms to report outcomes but not all partners completed the forms, not all thought about the CSFs Progress Report system enabled Secretariat to ask for this info but not all partners treated this seriously! Final report enabled lead partner to ask for stronger data but this was partly ‘back-filled’
PIMMS: Methodology2 OUTCOMES Final Progress Report ANNEX partners listed: o120 CSFs IDENTIFIED VIA VISITS o37 CSFs INCORPORATED INTO ACTION PLANS Final report: lead partner analysed the Annex data
RankCritical Success FactorN 1Political support and long-term commitment8 1Public awareness8 1Stakeholder Engagement8 1Integrated Policy8 2Funding (national, EU)5 3 Existing regional frameworks (Institutional, financial and legal) 4 PIMMS CSFs from Study Visits [2008]
RankCritical Success FactorN 4Public Private Partnership3 4Co-ordinating organisations (on local level)3 4Reporting/monitoring3 5 Location (of co-ordinating organisation – access to local stakeholders) or facility eg accessibility of mobility centre 2 5Technical capacity of staff2 6Standardised methodology1 6Technology (Innovation and variation)1 6Strategic Planning1 6Experience/dedication (of staff)1 PIMMS CSFs from Study Visits [2008]
PIMMS TRANSFER: what methodology Database Study Visits consider which of these are significant in the success (or failure!) of each initiative and, if possible, to give the CSF a score, as follows: 'primary'=3 ‘necessary’=2 ‘sufficient’=1 ‘not relevant’=0 ?