Pskov State Polytechnic Institute is the leading university in the Pskov Region Total number of students and staff is more than 7000 The number of basic educational programmes of higher professional education is 32 (for bachelors, specialists, masters) Vocational programmes on a wide range of directions are implemented at the institute There are more than 500 teachers at PPI, including 300 people working on a on continuing basis The role of PPI in the Pskov Region 2
Researches within NPP “Research and Development of Priority Directions Development in Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia ” (state contract with the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations ) Cooperation with companies in Pskov and the Pskov Region Post-graduate studies in 4 directions Scientific activity at PPI 3
–Educational, scientific and production energy efficiency centre (accreditation of the Ministry for Energy) -Scientific and educational centre of energy efficiency technologies (Golden medal at the 2nd international exhibition and congress “Perspective technologies of XXI century”, Moscow, 2008) -Scientific and educational centre of innovative building technologies (honorary diplomas at EXPO-Saint- Petersburg) -Attestation and methodical centre in Ecology etc. PPI scientific and research infrastructure 4
International cooperation (1) 5 International Office was arranged in 2001 Cooperation Areas: academic mobility programs cooperation with partner institutions on the various ways joint project collaboration educational programs for international students
Cooperation with International Foundations 6 European Commission (Tempus, INTERREG) CIMO NORDEN Swedish Institute DAAD FULBRIGHT The Netherlands Institute in SPb CBSS etc.
Product development methodologies and implementation in Russian and Estonia Border Regions (PRODEMET, INTERREG III A) Preparation of social and economic development concepts for municipal formations of Pskov Region (HINTERLAND, INTERREG III B) Participation in international project “Innovation Circle” directed at introduction of “innovative thinking” to activities of local and regional authorities, teachers at schools and universities in the Baltic Sea region Implemented projects 7
The project is implemented under the support of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the Ministry for Education and Science of Russia Objective – to improve higher professional education in Economics according to the Bologna guidelines and increase competitiveness of the Pskov region EuroFaculty-Pskov Project (1) 8
1.To develop BA/MA educational programmes 2.To arrange trainings of teachers on innovative teaching methods and techniques 3.To work out methods of learning outcomes control 4.To develop QA system 5.To arrange additional language training programmes for students and staff 6.To develop library system 7.To develop mobility system for MA and PhD students EuroFaculty-Pskov Project (2) 9
Baltic Climate Project 10 The project is being implemented within the BSR Programme The objective of the project is to identify the influence of climate change phenomenon on the development of small and medium sized cities and rural areas Main activities: researches, conferences, workshops, study visits etc.
Project activities (1) Research of small energy in the European countries with regard to the Pskov region: - Studying European experience in small energy development, finding out perspective technologies used in the European countries; - Studying Pskov Region needs in small energy development; 11
Project activities (2) - Research of small energy technologies used in Pskov Region; - Singling out target groups, finding out their needs, working out practical recommendation taking into consideration the European experience in small energy development 12
Project activities (3) Arranging study-visits to exchange experience on the small energy development issues in the Baltic Sea region: - visits to universities, scientific and research centers, companies; - participation in the specialized exhibitions; - study-visits to small energy objects in the European countries etc. 1313
Project activities (4) Development of a Concept of small energy development in Pskov Region based on the region’s priorities and small energy development directions in the Baltic Sea region 1414
Project activities (5) Implementation of a pilot project on small energy development in Pskov Region 1515
Project activities (6) Dissemination of the project results: - publication of the researches’ results in scientific resources - presentation of theoretical and practical results at international conferences; - coverage of the project implementation in mass-media etc. 1616
Planned schedule Possible period of project implementation: 3 years ( ) Stages: 1.Preparatory ( ) 2.Scientific and research ( ) 3.Practical ( ) 1717
Project budget Indicative project budget: 1-3 mln. EURO Major costs: - researches - Concept’s development - study-visits - pilot project implementation - dissemination of the project’s results etc. 1818
implementation of innovations and new technologies to the real sector of economy in Pskov and other regions (introduction of multifuel sources of heat and electrical energy for individual use, new construction and facing building materials etc.); consultancy and expertise services; organizational and legal assistance; communication and information access sevices; advertising and patent and licensing assistance Science Park services 1919
1. Development of a Concept of Scientific Park in Pskov State Polytechnic Institute 2. Analysis of Scientific Park development possibilities for the long-term perspective 3. Studying opportunities to attract investments to Pskov Region which are directed at promoting and commercializing of products of Scientific Park of PPI 4. Studying possible directions of science intensive pilot projects of Scientific Park implementation in Pskov Region 5. Dissemination of the results achieved Project objectives 20
1. Intellectual (scientific findings, know-how etc.) 2. Staff (researches, teachers, PhD students, project managers) 3. Material resources 4. Positive experience of participation in international educational and research projects PPI’s potential 21
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