Angie Foreman Operations and Partnership Management
Agenda for today Improve update - activity planned in Scotland for Statistics from the MA Frameworks Update on Scotland Food and Drink Skills Academy activity
Planned projects* for National Occupational Standards projects Revise Food Science Technology suite –May be used as basis for future competence based qualifications in all nations Contextualise Engineering Maintenance suite for food and drink industry New SVQ in Food and Drink Engineering Maintenance (FDEM) Update Level 3 MA framework to incorporate the new SVQ in FDEM *subject to final confirmation of funding
Statistics from the MA Frameworks MA Completions 2009 – 2014 Level 2 and
Statistics from the MA Frameworks Levels 2 & 3 MA Completions 2014 by Pathway PathwayTotal Bakery/Craft Bakery63 Distribution Skills53 Fish & Shellfish Processing88 Food & Drink Operations109 Food Manufacturing Excellence4 Food Sales and Service179 Fresh Produce4 Meat & Poultry65 Production & Processing173 Supply Chain Skills2 TOTAL738
Statistics from the MA Frameworks MA Registrations 2009 – 2014 Level 2 and
MA Online – reminders for centres Additional outcomes need to be completed during the apprenticeship (ie between the start and certification date) Certificate claims are guaranteed to be processed within 20 days. Improve process certificate claims within 10 days whenever possible - customer service offer.
The SVQ portfolio Which providers will be interested in offering a new SVQ in FDEM? Is anything missing from the Food and Drink SVQ portfolio? Revisions to qualification structures - feedback from last year
Scotland Food and Drink Skills Academy SFDSA is a single source of skills support and training dedicated to Scotland’s Food and Drink Manufacturing and Processing Sector Established by the industry for the industry Access to leading-edge workforce training, study and skill upgrades designed to boost productivity, profitability and innovation
Funders Scottish Government Scottish Funding Council Skills Development Scotland
Hosted and supported by National Skills Academy Food and Drink Abertay University
Board representative of industry employers and stakeholders Skills Development Scotland Scottish Enterprise Scottish Funding Council Scotland Food and Drink Scottish Government National Skills Academy Dairy Fresh Produce Meat Fish Whisky Bakery
Skills W e need people with the skills that will make businesses more productive We need more entrepreneurs and people who can lead, along with others who are experts in marketing, design and branding. We need to start attracting bright young people into the industry, which means making jobs in the food and drink industry a more attractive career option
Characteristics of the F&D Workforce Aging Workforce More likely to employ people over 45 Yet, 1 in 5, 16-24yr olds are unemployed Lower skilled occupations Greater share in elementary positions Recruitment Employers are more likely to recruit someone with no qualifications Lower levels of training provided All-industry level 65% F&D 57% Skills shortages: Specialise skills, Food Technologists, Engineers
Industry FACTS Annual turnover of £13.9billion Employs 360,000 people and has a growth target of £16.5billion by Food and Drink Manufacturing alone has an annual turnover of £10.4billion and achieves exports of £5.9billion. It is Scotland’s largest manufacturing sector employing 43,300 people in over 800 businesses. By comparison, oil and gas extraction employs 9,400 people. A total of 1,180 people started a Modern Apprenticeship in Scotland’s Food & Drink Manufacturing sector during Some 810 people completed their Modern Apprenticeship in the sector in the same year. Scotland has an aging workforce profile with around a third of staff set to retire by 2020.
Industry - Future – Looking ahead- Preparing As an increasingly automated industry using the latest production techniques with intense marketplace demands for new products and product innovation, the sector has high demand for skilled young talent to enter the industry – particularly in the areas of: Food technology, Food science, Engineering, Lean production and Management and professional posts.
Cont. The industry faces intense competition from other sectors for engineering graduates. The UK produces 46,000 engineering graduates each year yet has annual demand for 87,000. “Workforce skills are at the heart of sustainable competitive advantage and businesses that invest in their people are the businesses that succeed,”
Our role To increase the quality and quantity of training undertaken by the industry in order to support the growth agenda: Identify the skills, training, educational and development needs and gaps Skills Audits – Seafood, Whisky, Dairy Provide a high quality network of approved training providers with industry Food and Drink Industry in Scotland.
Our Model stakeholders Stakeholder Collaboration – KEY! Industry Knowledge and Intelligence Provision Specialised Provider Network Training/Qualifications/Programmes Industry Sub-Sector Specific Trade Associations Skills needs/gaps/shortages Delivery Workforce Development
Some of the SFDSA Activities from May 14 3 x Skills Audits (In progress) Employer Engagement: 400+ companies Established a Provider Network – 17 providers 59 Businesses in Training Harnessed over £300,000 worth of training opportunities 80+ Modern Apprenticeships Launched : Food Manufacturing Excellence 25 new entrants in to industry –Tasty jobs, work placement, 115 women participated in various training– Women in Work funding Leadership and Management Training/ Programmes, Train the Trainers, internal Academies Compliance/ Audit Specialism CPD- Study visits/ Knowledge Exchange
SFDSA is here to add value Thank you For further information visit M: