2 The e-government and the OPAC Transformation of the service delivery model Reform aiming at placing the citizens and the business within the focus of the administration Citizen State Economy Finance Employment Education Health Army Security State Citizen Birth School Work Marriage Children Health Retirement
Legal grounds of the transformation - LEG 3 One-time submission and multi-usage of data: The administrative bodies, cannot require from the citizens and the organisations to resubmit or prove data already available. They are obliged to collect them ex officio from the primary data administrator. Official notification Automatic release Obligations after notification
Projects under the OPAC 5 PROJECT 1 “Elaboration of e-payments environment in the process of electronic administrative service delivery” Total budget of the project: BGN Beneficiary:MSAAR
Projects under the OPAC (2) 6 PROJECT 2 “Creation of a modern and unified vision of the Bulgarian state administration in the context of the membership of Bulgaria in the EU” Total budget of the project: BGN Beneficiary:MSAAR Main objectives: Defining of the corporate identity standards of the state administration of Bulgaria and elaborating a manual for their implementation Making the existing Internet portals and web sites compliant with the corporate identity standards and standards for accessibility of information to people with impaired eyesight and to citizens of the European Union, who do not speak Bulgarian language
Projects under the OPAC (3) 7 PROJECT 3 “Development of the electronic administrative service delivery” Total budget of the project: BGN Beneficiaries:MTITC
Projects under the OPAC (4) 8 Main objectives: Improved and simplified legislation Reference architectures ID Reg TR N 37
Projects under the OPAC (5) 9 Expected results: Legal basis for delivering administrative services electronically amended and supplemented Data and services, delivered by the primary administrators, defined and entered into the e-government registries Primary and complex e-services entered into the e-government registries Interconnections among the base governmental registers and up to 100 administrative e-services introduced Reference architectures for central and local administration and standards for administrative e-services established
Projects under the OPAC (6) 10 PROJECT 4 “Better administrative service delivery to the customers through further development of the central e-government systems” Total budget of the project: BGN Beneficiary: MTITC
Projects under the OPAC (7) 11 Main objectives: Promotion of e-government Decreasing administrative costs Development of the central e- governance systems Administrative delivery of e- services Interoperability and integration at European level
Projects under the OPAC (8) 12 Expected results: Registry for electronic identity of the users and basic infrastructural e-services created Centralised system for monitoring and information security management and interoperability created Portal for e-governance, providing information through different communication channels improved Centralised system for management of the communication and hardware infrastructure created Unified requirements to the centres for storage of sensitive information elaborated Central document flow system introduced and minimum 5 administrations integrated
ESF Learning Network Project 13 Network Project “Meeting the challenge – how to effectively support public administration reform through ESF funds” Financed by the European Commission Partners in the Network: Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Lithuania, Czech Republic Bulgaria: Working group on e-government: 3 areas of interest
ESF Learning Network Project 14 Main activities of the WG on e-government: A study of good practices in three areas of interest Two international workshops in Bulgaria Study visits on the spot in three EU Member States A Guideline on the transfer of studied good practices
15 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! CONTACTS: Managing Authority of OPAC Ministry of Finance Operational Programme Administrative Capacity Directorate Sofia 1040, 102 Rakovski Str. Tel.: Fax: