World View An International Program for Educators The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
By Signe Wilkinson
What is an Action Plan?
1. Elements of the Action Plan Goal Objectives Actions Needed Persons, Units or Dept. Needed Resources Needed Timeframe Monitoring and Evaluations Methods
The Traveling SchoolThe Traveling School Source: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction The Tourist SchoolThe Tourist School
The difference between travel and tourism is simple. A TOURIST experiences disconnected sights and sounds and enjoys them without drawing meaning. A TRAVELER roams the earth, digests what he sees and hears, and collects them in a framework of understanding, which he both brings to his travels and deepens with travels. The former is a pleasant interlude in your life. The latter is about life itself. — George Friedman, STRATFOR Founder & CEO
2. Identify the Goal & Objectives Goal: Express a clear and general sense of direction, a purpose, an aim. It should focus on the most important outcome to be achieved, or benefit that will be derived from implementing an Action Plan Objective/s: Is/are more specific, and express/es what will be different as a result of implementation. In many ways, the objectives express the strategy that has been decided on and the desired accomplishments.
3. Global Education Committee
4. The Action Plan is a work in progress
Where does World View fit in?
Our Mission Help schools and colleges prepare students to succeed in an interconnected, diverse, and multicultural world.
1. Partners Program (August) 2. K-12 Global Education Symposium (October) 3. Community College Symposium (November) 4. Latin America Seminar (March) 5. Regional Seminar (March) 6. K-12 Librarian/Media Specialist Workshop (April/May) 7. Global Ed Leaders’ Program (June) 8. International Study Visits (June/July) 9. Online Globalization Courses (fall/spring) Year Round Professional Development
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| WORLD VIEW | WORLD VIEW An International Program for Educators The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Katharine Robinson