Unit 18 New Zealand Listening: Complete the following map with the information from the tape. Epsom Turnpike Winfield Ashton Creek.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 18 New Zealand

Listening: Complete the following map with the information from the tape. Epsom Turnpike Winfield Ashton Creek


New Zealand location: climate: natural beauty: history: lie off the eastern coast of Australia have a mild sea climate and subtropical have natural deep harbors clean sand beach beautiful landscape hot spring 、 special plants and animals 1,000 years agothe Maori around 1421Chinese sailors in 1642the Dutchman in 1769Captain Cook by 1840Europeans, the Maori

lie off the coast of…

be made up of Pacific ocean Tasman Sea capital city

mild sea climate subtropical rain

December to February

June to August

The ocean and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue.

Natural deep harbour

Sand beach


Hot spring

Throw hot water high into the air

plant Kiwi (National bird)

The Maori

1,000 years ago, The Maori Around 1421, Chinese sailors In 1642, Dutchman Abel Tasman In 1769, Captain James Cook

By 1840, British, settle Sign an agreement with National holiday 6th, February

England “the home country”

Understanding the text 1. The passage includes the following topics about New Zealand EXCEPT ____. A. climateB. landscapeC. historyD. industry 2. Which place is to the north of Wellington? A. Queenstown.B. The capital. C. Auckland.D. Christchurch. 3. What’s the North Island famous for? A. Deep harbors.B. A bird called a kiwi. C. Hot springs.D. Dead volcanoes. D C C

4. Who were the first to come and settle in New Zealand? A. Chinese sailorsB. The Maori. C. Europeans.D. Captain James Cook. 5. The islands were given the name of New Zealand by _____. A. Abel TasmanB. British people C. Chinese sailorsD. The Maori B A

6. In New Zealand, many people call England “the home country” because _____. A. most of them have been to England B. most of the first European settles were British C. they share the same national holiday on Feb. 6th D. New Zealand belonged to England in the past B (此课件为首届全国中小学教师技能大赛获奖课件)