TWG Implementation Action Plan Rostock 30 May 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

TWG Implementation Action Plan Rostock 30 May 2012

Agenda 1.Introduction 2.How – In Theory a)Key Questions & Aim b)Thematic Split c)Methodology 3.How, pt. II – Realisation a)Preparation b)The Regions in Detail – Best Practice c)Other Related Events d)Summary e)When? What? How? Details? Questions? Clarification 4.The Next Steps & Homework

2. Theoretic Base

Key Questions for TWG -What works best under what conditions? -What makes OWE a success? -Which challenges and opportunities are met in different regions when OWE projects are being planned and established? -How can existing knowledge in pioneering regions be used for other regions?

Aim of the TWG… … is to establish a common understanding for - what has worked best - in the different regions Regions will - learn from each other - deepen the understanding for different approaches Sharing of Best Practice will play a key role in this.

Thematic Split Based on TWG Framework, TWG Implementation will be split into three major aspects: 1.Stakeholders in general 2.Administrative Level - Legal framework, fiscal & administration 3.Technology

General Split of Findings The findings in all of these areas will be split into: 1.Challenges – Restrictions / limitations 2.Opportunities – Support / initiative

3. Realisation

Preparation (Part of Divergence Phase) oContent of visits / topics to be raised: Monitor challenges and opportunities on mainly 3 different levels - Stakeholders - Administrative - Technology oPreparation of Thematic Action Plan Draft oTWG Meeting / Streamlining Implementation at Rostock - during Kickoff Meeting

Questions During Preparation General decision: More open form vs. Catalogue Working on details like e.g.: deliverables & clarification of schedule input on activities thematic input of TWG members & PP’s agree on thematic split / comparative base Preparation of regionalisation of TWG / Regional Adaptation OUTPUT: -Thematic Action Plan “OSW Implementation”

1st Phase: Forerunners 1.Finishing Comparative Base and adapt to Partners 2.Rostock - During Kickoff Meeting in May Visit of Baltic1 - Successes and Challenges 3.Emden - date and context: _________________________ 4.Evaluation Session with German Offshore Foundation

Forerunners cont’d 5.Dundee - when how etc: ______________________ 6.TWG Meeting a.Around Event _______________ b.Summarize findings from Best Practice Visits in forerunner regions OUTPUT o Short report oComparative Analysis Document (by December 2012) oPrep of findings for Mainstreaming Session in Q2 2013

2 nd Phase: “Intermediate” regions 1.Adaption of pre-results - includes regional specifics etc 2. Groningen - Schedule: _______________ 3. Rimini - Timing: _______________ 4. Wrap-up in TWG Meeting - Timing: _______________ 5. Prep of findings for Mainstreaming Session in Q2 2013

3rd Phase: Regions in Orientation 1.Adaption of pre-results from 1st and 2nd phase 2.Malta - Schedule: ___________ 3.Corfu - Schedule: ___________ 4.Azores - Schedule: ___________

Regions in Orientation cont’d 5.Latvia - Schedule: ___________ 6.TWG Meeting - Schedule: ___________ 7.Prep of findings for Mainstreaming Session in Q Schedule: ___________

4th Phase: Other Related Events & Visits 1.Meetings with relevant local / regional businesses etc 2.Speaking with other stakeholders, e.g. Administrative level Investors 3.Trips to Model Regions What has worked Challenges & opportunities

Other Events cont’d 4.Visit of conferences, e.g February 2013, EWEA, Vienna April 2013 Wind, HannoverMesse, Hannover (with Wind focus in 2013) April / May 2013 – Wind & Maritim, Rostock May 2013, Energy Europe, Copenhagen June 2013, Nor-Shipping, Oslo 5.Academic events Universities Congresses Guest Speakers

5th Phase: Pre-Summary 1.TWG Meeting / Mainstreaming Session I (Q2 2013) - details: 2.Summary and abstraction of findings - presenting potentials and challenges - details: 3.OSW Best Practice Seminar in Rimini - details : 4.Support with TWG-related issues - details:

Pre-Summary cont’d 5.TWG Meeting (5 of 6) / Mainstreaming Session II - details: OUTPUTS a. Comparative Analysis Document b.Best Practice Report – “Guideline on effective implementation through regional OSW triple helixes”

6th and Final Phase: Summary 1.Final TWG Meeting (6 out of 6) 2.Abstraction of general findings on local level 3.Work on output (next slide)

Final Outputs As in Application: - Presentation of results during study visits - To be verified and detailed: One Publication on the subject – most likely a flyer Further output? - Presentation of findings at final conference - Presentation on local and regional level


What’s Next? Your input on the following: 1.Dates 2.Content 3.Approach 4.Regional & local adaptation

Many Thanks For Your Attention! Questions? Input?! Sebastian Hentsch Project Coordinator EU-Projects & Business Development Rostock Business and Technology Development GmbH Schweriner Str. 10/ Rostock Tel: + 49 (0) Fax: + 49 (0) Internet: