Key deliverables of Project BG051PO “Transnational Network for Child and Family Support and Deinstitutionalisation of Child Care” ЕEUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND 2007 – 2013 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND SOCIAL POLICY HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INVESTING IN YOUR FUTURE! Project BG051PO “Transnational Network for Child and Family Support and Deinstitutionalisation of Child Care”. The project is implemented with the financial support of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme, 2007 – 2013, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union.
What have we done to date? Study visits held in Bulgaria and Italy; A fiche of good practices in the field of child welfare, deinstitutionalisation and provision of community based services for children and families developed; Interactive discussion forum held in Devin Project website created.
Visits held in Bulgaria Introductory visit in Sofia; Introductory conference in Veliko Turnovo; Study visit in Veliko Turnovo / Gabrovo / Triavna; Study visit in Varna / Shumen / Novi Pazar and thematic workshop; Study visit in Sofia / Plovdiv / Pazardzhik; ВеликоТърново София Пловдив Варна
Visits held in Italy Introductory visit in Florence and Study visits in Calabria Region, Italy; Study visit in Cagliari, Autonomous Region Sardinia, Italy; Study visit and thematic workshop in Region of Sicily, Italy Сицилия Калабрия
Fiche of good practices developed Fiche of good practices in the field of deinstitutionalisation and support of children and families in Bulgaria and Italy developed and distributed to all stakeholders; 15 good Bulgarian practices in the field of deinstitutionalisation and provision of community based services for children and families evaluated, ranked and systematised; 11 good practices received from the Italian regions; A Compendium of good practices is to be published and distributed.
Interactive discussion forum in Devin Participants – MLSP, representatives of the Bulgarian partners – State Agency for Child Protection and Social Assistance Agency and its regional units; Good practices presented by Bulgarian NGOs with proven experience in the field of child and family policy, and top-ranking good practices Good practices presented by the Italian regions.
Project website created Trilingual website – (in Bulgarian, Italian and English); -Information on the activities implemented; -Good practices published, classified by project; -Programming and regulatory documents in the field of child welfare published.