Capital funding for school places EBDOG CONFERENCE The Department for Education’s Capital Funding for School Places Friday 11 th May 2012
Capital funding for school places NAO VALUE FOR MONEY Economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which departments use funds provided by Parliament 60 published reports a year Evidence for Public Accounts Committee hearing Formal Treasury response to recommendations
Capital funding for school places WHY CAPITAL FUNDING FOR SCHOOL PLACES? Forecast increases in numbers of school places needed Forecast shortage of places Austerity pressures on capital resource allocation across priorities Increase in Department funds specifically aimed at funding extra places Changes in methods for allocating funding Parliamentary interest
Capital funding for school places AREAS OF INTEREST Department projections for pupil numbers, school places, and costs of provision Allocation of Department’s funding Impact of other Department capital programmes and policies Department’s data on authority spend, sources of funds and places provided Department’s oversight of use of funding Department’s management of risks
Capital funding for school places NAO ENGAGEMENT WITH AUTHORITIES Local authority planning for pupil numbers, school places, and costs of provision Authority expenditure / sources of funding Authority delivery of extra places Impact of other Department capital programmes and policies Relationship with Department
Capital funding for school places NAO ENGAGEMENT WITH AUTHORITIES Interviews with national representative bodies Survey of all authorities Interviews with regional bodies Focus groups Case study visits
Capital funding for school places NAO CONTACT DETAILS Howard Revill