Broadening Participation through Partnership presented by Shaik Jeelani, Ph.D., P.E. Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs Director, Center for Advanced Materials Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama At STC Broadening Participation Workshop Organized by The Office of Integrative Activities Science and Technology Centers Program National Science Foundation March 21-23, 2007
Research Centers Center for Integrated Study of Food Animal & Plant Systems (CISFAPS) The George Washington Carver Agricultural Experimental Station (GWCAES) Center for Computational Epidemology (CCE) Center for Biomedical Research (CBR) NASA Center for Food & Environmental Systems for Human Exploration of Space (TU-CFESH) Center for International Research & Development (CIN) National Center for Bioethics in Research and Healthcare Center for Biomedical Information Management Systems (BIMS) Center for Advanced Materials (T-CAM)
The Mission of T-CAM To strive for a fundamental understanding of the nature of advanced materials towards the goal of industrial and military applications To motivate and educate minority students, undergraduate through Ph.D., in the science and engineering of advanced materials
Pre-College Programs and Linkages with School Systems Linkages with Colleges and Universities Collaboration with Industries Collaboration with National Laboratories Ph.D., MSE Research Components Performance Evaluation of Structural Nanocomposites Modeling and Manufacturing of Structural Nanocomposites Synthesis and Analysis of Nanocomposites Synthesis, Manufacturing and Characterization of Structural Nanocomposites CREST II
Tuskegee University CREST/RISE Funded by NSF NSF/EPSCoR ACNM NSF/IGERT NSF/PREM NSF/REU MSU/ERCUA/ERCUK/ERCUNL/ERC U. S. Army ARO/BCE STTR Phase I Adv. Matl. Tech. SBIR Phase II Vista Engineering SBIR Phase II Ondax Corp.
Army Research Office (ARO) Research Triangle Park, NC Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Research Tasks Synthesis of STF Rheological and Interface Characterization Constitutive Models and Wave Propagation Performance Evaluation Development of Flexible Extremities Protection Utilizing Shear Thickening Fluid/Fabric Composites (STF) Tuskegee University University of Delaware Purdue University ARMY CENTER of EXCELLENCE FOR BATTLEFIELD CAPABILITY ENHANCEMENT Center for Advanced Materials
CREST IGERT IGERT: Multidisciplinary Graduate Education and Research Training in Nanomaterials Science and Engineering Primary Objective: To substantially increase the number of minorities holding PhDs in Materials Science and Engineering Center for Advanced Materials
Faculty & Student Exchange M.S. & Mentoring M.S. & Pre-college Program (REH & & Cornell Undergraduate Program & TU & Cornell Mentoring NSF/ PREM Tuskegee-Cornell Research and Education Partnership
Partnership in ERC Proposals MSU/ERC: Safety Simulation (SafeSim) Center UA/ERC: Novel Ionic Liquids Applications and Manufacturing (NILAM) UK/ERC: Sustainable Manufacturing Enterprise UNL/ERC: Advanced Continuous Nanofiber Technologies
Ph.D. Students in MSE Program NAMELAST DEGREE EARNED/ MAJOR/UNIVERSITY EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE FOR PHD 1Edwin HamptonBS/Chemistry/Alabama State UniversityMay Renee’ RodgersBS/Aerospace Eng./Tuskegee UniversityMay Danielle HudsonMS/Chemistry/Tuskegee UniversityMay Merlin TheodoreMS/Mechanical Eng./Tuskegee UniversityMay Dangale Robinson BS/Materials Science/Univ. of Alabama- Birmingham May 2008
Ph.D. Students in MSE Program Cont. NAMELAST DEGREE EARNED/ MAJOR/UNIVERSITY EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE FOR PHD 6Wanda JonesBS/Chemistry/Miles CollegeMay Okechukwu AkpaBS/Electrical Eng./Morgan State UniversityMay Maria CalhounMS/Mechanical Eng/Tuskegee UniversityMay Gregory StrawderBS/Mathematics/Albany State UniversityMay Ivy Krystal JonesMS/Physics/Hampton UniversityMay Lazbourne AllieMS/Mechanical Engineering/ Tuskegee University May 2010
Ph.D. Students in MSE Program Cont. NAMELAST DEGREE EARNED/ MAJOR/UNIVERSITY EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE FOR PHD 12Jessie MayoMS/Mechanical Eng./Tuskegee UniversityMay Nydeia WrightMS/Chemistry/Tuskegee UniversityMay Shaik ZainuddinMS/Mechanical Eng./Tuskegee UniversityMay Tiffany NelsonMS/Materials Science/Univ. of CincinnatiMay Mary RogersMS/Chemistry/Univ. of Southern Mississippi May Jaronda IngramBS/Mechanical Engineering/Tuskegee university May 2011