2nd Liquid Scintillator R&D group / / Sunghyun Chang Mineral Oil 2nd Korea
1.BMP 10 : YU-base (before Mineral Oil)8 2.BMP 32 : YU-base (before Mineral Oil)8 3.BMP 100 : Mineral Oil (‘S-Oil’ -> P96)5 4.BSO 17 : poly alpha olleffine : 합성유 9 5.BSO 400 : poly alpha olleffine : 합성유 9 6.KL 350(S) : White Oil ( 서진화학 )9 7.Silicone Oil (100 cSt/25 0 C) 9 8.Silicone Oil (1000 cSt/25 0 C) 8 9.Reference : Mineral Oil (Aldrich)9 Viscosity 60 Co Test [nA] Comparison of Mineral Oil b/w Aldrich and Korean Company 20mg
Price Mineral Oil 서진 (seojin) : ~ 28 만원 / 200 liters Aldrich : $ 46 / liter Doducane 삼전 : 3 만 6 천원 / liter 대정화금 : 13 만원 / 100g Aldrich : $ 111 / 100ml : $ 324 / liter, $542 / 2 liters * Dodecane is imported from abroad
KF-240 KF-70 KF-150 KF-240 KF-400 Viscosity 에 따른 정제 시간 측정 Dark/Source current 측정
원유 (crude oil) 연료유 (fuel oil) B.C. asphalt YU-base Mineral Oil (white) 식품 (foods), 화장품 (cosmatics), Etc., ( refinement : extract heavy metal Mineral Oil M.O 알리파틱 + 나프텐 + 아로마틱