Frank Macfarlane Burnet By Bryce
Personal Profile Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet was born in Traralgon, Victoria on September 3 rd and died aged 85 on the 31 st August 1985 in Port Fairy, Victoria. Frank was an Australian virologist who made significant contributions to the field of immunology. Early in his career he conducted experiments with bacteriophages, culturing viruses in living chick embryos (something that is now standard laboratory practice). In 1960, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for demonstrating acquired immune tolerance.
(Your Scientist’s) Work Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet was born in Traralgon, Victoria, Australia, on September 3rd, He is the son of the Manager of the branch of the Colonial Bank in that town. He was educated at the Victoria State Schools and at Geelong College, completing his medical course at the University of Melbourne, where he graduated M.B., B.S., in 1922, and M.D. in In 1923, Burnet went to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of the University of Melbourne to do research work on the agglutinin reactions in typhoid fever. He was from Resident Pathologist at the Melbourne Hospital. In 1926 he was awarded a Beit Fellowship for Medical Research and worked for a year at the Lister Institute, London. In 1932 he spent a year at the National Institute for Medical Research, Hampstead, London. Otherwise, apart from many visits to various countries to give lectures or for other purposes, he has worked continuously at the Hall Institute in Melbourne. In 1944 he became Director of this Institute and Professor of Experimental Medicine in the University of Melbourne.
Other Facts Frank Macfarlane Burnet died in port fairy which is where I live and he is berried in the port fairy cemetery opacite where I live. Did you know that some of the web sites say that Franks last name is spelt Burnett instead of Burnet?
Reference 1 Web address: Title of page: Frank MacFarlane Burnet Who put the information there? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia How reliable do you think the source of information is? Very Reliable ReliableUnreliable Reason for reliability rating: Other web sites say the same thing How current is the information?CurrentRecentOutdated Is the site regularly updated?WeeklyMonthlyYearlyNever What is the purpose of the site?PersonalPublicPolitical Is there any evidence of bias in the information?YesNo Outline any bias you find: Confidence in accuracy and reliability: Very Confident Confident Not Confident
Reference 2 Web address: s/1960/burnet-bio.html Title of page:The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1960 Who put the information there? Peter Medawar How reliable do you think the source of information is? Very Reliable ReliableUnreliable Reason for reliability rating: Other web sites say the same thing How current is the information?CurrentRecentOutdated Is the site regularly updated?WeeklyMonthlyYearlyNever What is the purpose of the site?PersonalPublicPolitical Is there any evidence of bias in the information?YesNo Outline any bias you find: Confidence in accuracy and reliability: Very Confident Confident Not Confident