Digital Imagery as Oral Fluency Stimulator AuthorsMaureen Sim, Nursery Teacher, Emma Griffiths, ICT Liaison, Stoneyhill Primary School, Musselburgh, East Lothian The objective of the project was to promote confident individuals and effective contributors by working on verbal fluency with children at pre-literate stages, in a descriptive, followed by story- making, sequence of pictures. Objectives Images from Flickr, used in slide show format, on a laptop Software DescriptionNursery children, in a free choice setting, opted to come to the computer in turn, and initially describe, respond and comment on a series of pictures. On the final image being shown, they were asked very open ended questions, and stimulated to create a story about the picture Learning Areas Confident individuals, Effective Contributors Levels 3 to 4 yearsVerbal fluency, picture stimulus, digital imagery Keywords Story Making with nursery children
Digital Imagery as Oral Fluency Stimulator Teaching Resources To prepare for teaching in the nursery setting using a digital image sequence, a Flickr slideshow was put together. See document below for details. A laptop was used to show the sequence, and children took it in turns to come and work one to one beside the laptop. Internet access is required to access Flickr, but a slideshow could probably be exported, and saved to a file if this isnt possible. A separate laptop could be used to directly transcribe the stories as they were spoken, saving a manual transcription stage. Documents
Digital Imagery as Oral Fluency Stimulator Teacher and School Information Stoneyhill Primary School was built in 1996, and extended, with the new parts of the building opening in The school nursery has its own access, and garden, and has space for 30 children in the morning, and 30 in the afternoon. Maureen Sim the nursery teacher is assisted by Nursery nurses Linda Banks, and Morag Tickell. Stoneyhill Primary School Musselburgh East Lothian