objectives General Program and Procedures Operations Training and Eval Equipment Forms
General CDO/CDOA –Training –Records –Recruit –Budget –Reporting CMD-CD Mission Director –prepare receive request –alert CD crew –monitor mission –close and report mission
General CD Members –Maintain Proficiency –Equipment readiness –Keep CDO informed of availability –Report total hours >20 target –Complete National Refresher every 2 years.
General Legal Consideration –Non combat mission for the USAF not be intentionally put in harms way –Properly authorized! –Liability AF mission number invokes instrumentality status. FTCA and FECA May not participate in; ( Posse Comitatus Act) –arrest, search, seizure, stop and frisk, interdiction of vessel, aircraft, vehicle, –in surveillance pursuit of individual –as informant, undercover agent
General Information CD Members may receive subpoenas, request for information request for appearance or testimony Immediately notify CAP General Counsel NHQ CAP/GC and their CDD/CDO. Information/Media This is a CAP flight crew performing an Air Force assigned mission. They are not authorized to discuss Operational details of the mission. If you need to know additional information concerning this mission, please call HQ CAP/XPC at (334)
Program Procedures Membership- –Form 83 (non disclosure signature) –Appointment -by Wing Commander, –Screening-NHQ CAP LMMC –Orientation-National CD course –Currency- 20 hours, basic minimum –De-certification/suspension-lack of integrity
Program Procedures Rules of evidence, if CAP transports, must be accompanied by an LLEA. Duty uniform, unless specified on F84 Media dealings, CAP does not issue press releases relative to CD missions. Reimbursement via form 108.
Operations Utilize G1000 platform with SDIS Operators exclusively for NH Wing. –Five primary two person crews, PIC and SDIS operator, goal, Pilots may use any combination of crew for mission but must have unique SDIS operators.
Operations PIC –To perform transport, commercial with class 2 medical. –Over water requires NHQ CAP/DO approved water survival course. –Mountainous Terrain-requires completion of a Mountain flying clinic
Operations Authorized CD Missions –Marijuana Eradication support –Reconnaissance; to detect and report suspicious activity. Airborne, Marine, Airport –Airfield Photography –Communications support –Radar evaluation –Aerial familiarization of LLEA –DDR-cadet orientation/incentive flights. –Transport Missions
atypical color schemes uncharted air ports
Operations Transport Missions –Commercial Pilot with Class 2 medical –All non CAP members must execute, CAPF 9 release
Operations Missions –Request; CAP, DoD or LLEA forwarded to NOC –Approval; All CD mission require CAP-USAF approval. –Command And Control of CAP resources remains with CAP at all times. –Cant be the CMD for the mission you are on. –Must file and activate an FAA flight plan for all CD missions –No ground teams –Air crews will not direct LLEA into areas of suspected activities. –No foreign flights, Not allowed to fly into Canada –Closure; the PIC shall debrief the CMD submitting the CPF 84 and Risk Assessment.
Training Separate from SAR/DR activities Biannual Evaluations 5 Primary crews, PIC and SDIS Operator, Each Crew; one Training mission per quarter for proficiency. Not to exceed, 2 hours. Primary customer focus for 2007 not limited –NH State Police –DEA Portsmouth –DoD
Forms CAPF 82; Monthly Activity Report CAPF 83; CAP CD Application CAPF 84; CD Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form. –Suspicious agricultural growth, or suspicious geometric agricultural shapes, not “marijuana plant count” This information might be subject to subpoena CAPF 108 CAP Payment /Reimbursement. CAP Aircraft Data Report; Document suspicious a/c. CAP Uncharted Airstrip/Marine Report; Multipurpose data sheet, enter all relevant data.