Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Conservation Big Stick Square Deal Progressives / Muckrakers Panama Treaty of Portsmouth
William Taft TR’s Successor Dollar Diplomacy Surprisingly Conservative Height of Immigration
Woodrow Wilson “Bull Moose” Election Surprisingly Progressive Interventionism in Caribbean Mexico Bank and trust reform Height of Lynching / Riots WWI / Treaty of Versailles Income Tax, Direct Election of Senators, Suffrage, Prohibition
Harding, Coolidge, Hoover “a return to normalcy” “the business of America is business” The “roaring 20s” Great Migration, Harlem Renaissance Consumer Economy / speculative buying Perceived wealth v. reality Isolationism Prohibition / Organized Crime 1929 Crash Start of Depression Trickle Down Economics
Franklin Roosevelt Height of Great Depression Brains Trust New Deal –Bank Holiday –Alphabet Agencies –Social Security –Fireside Chats Arsenal of Democracy / Lend Lease WWII “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself
Truman End of WWII Start of Cold War / NATO Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan Containment Korean War – Desegregation of Military Maintaining New Deal Programs Taft Hartley Act “the buck stops here”
Eisenhower ( ) General – WWII D-Day Start of Arms Race Interstate Highway system Guatemala Interventions Start of Vietnam Brown v. Board of Ed. Federal De-Segregation New Youth Culture Quote: “beware the rise of the military industrial complex”
Kennedy ( ) only Catholic Prez Television Berlin Wall Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Expansion of Vietnam Camelot image, Space program, Peace Corps “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”
Johnson ( ) Escalation of Vietnam Anti War / Anti Government Great Society Civil Rights Bills Hippies / Counterculture “I’m not going to send American boys over to do what Asian boys should be doing for themselves”
Nixon ( ) Expansion / End of Vietnam Détente Relations with China Watergate Man on the moon Institutes some Great Society Race Riots Roe v. Wade “you won’t have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore”
Ford ( ) Endgame of Vietnam Oil Problems / OPEC Challenge to US industry Inflation / Stagflation
Carter ( ) Governor of Georgia Camp David Accords Oil Crisis Iran Hostage Crisis Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Inflation / Unemployment 3 Mile Island Disco
Reagan ( ) Cold War Re-intensification “Reaganomics” De-regulation Iran Contra Scandal Libya Issues Grenada “it’s morning in America” “the Soviet Union is an evil empire”
Bush (late 80s early 90s) Before Prez –Ambassador, CIA director, VP For Policy as Prez –Panama, Gulf War, Early Somalia Dom Policy as Pres –Continue Reagan era Deregulation –Recession that he refuses to name Quote: “Read my lips, no new taxes”
Clinton (90s) Before Prez 1. Governor of AR As Prez –Whitewater Scandal a. Real Estate Deal b. Special Prosecuter c. Lewinsky d. Impeachment e. Result –Tech Boom, Stock Market Boom –Waco, Oklahoma City –Somalia, Kosovo –1 st WTC Bombing, Kenya/ Tanzania Embassy Bombings, USS Cole C. Quote: “It’s the economy, stupid!”
Bush II ( ) Before Prez –Oil Business, Baseball Business,Governor of TX –“Compassionate Conservative” As Prez –Influenced by old “neocons” – 9/11 –Afghanistan / Iraq Wars –Return to Reagan style Tax Cuts / De- Regulation –Hurricane Katrina –Great Recession of 2008 Quote ; “N. Korea, Iran, and Iraq constitute an axis of evil”
Obama ( Before President: –Community organizer, Senator (IL), 2004 convention As President –Great Recession of 2008 The Jobless Recovery –Health Care Law (Obamacare) –End of Iraq / Afghanistan Wars –Benghazi Attack –MidEast Revolutions … $4 gas Quote – “If you like the health insurance you have now, you can keep it.”