GO TO 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan Overview and Implementation Strategies Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission November 30, 2010 Matt Maloney Deputy Chief of Staff Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Regional Planning in Metropolitan Chicago Smart Growth America Webinar Feb. 1, 2011
CMAP Background Formed by state law in 2005 to integrate planning for transportation and land use Seven-county area, with geographically representative Board
Key Recommendations of GO TO 2040 Livable Communities 1. Land Use and Housing 2. Water and Energy Conservation 3. Parks and Open Space 4. Local Food Human Capital 5. Education and Workforce Development 6. Economic Innovation Efficient Governance 7. Tax Policy 8. Access to Information 9. Coordinated Investments Regional Mobility 10. Transportation Investments -- major capital projects 11. Public Transit 12. Freight
Plan Implementation: Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Purpose: implement GO TO 2040 plan through assistance to communities $4.25 million awarded, covering 3-year period (to end of 2013) Funding used primarily to support new staff, also some small grants Over 130 applicants requested assistance from CMAP during recent call for projects (nearly 200 projects submitted)