Our Baccalaureate Experience Broughton High School
Organisation Initially we had 2 students Facilitate the Baccalaureate by allowing some students to crash Higher Spanish in a year. Baccalaureate not timetabled Cover provided as and when needed for QA team to meet or for one or all of the team to meet with students.
Quality Assurance I am the main assessor. In June I assembled a team to help with QA, assessing, mentoring students. Two ML teachers, one English teacher and one Depute. In the first few months we met quite regularly. All meetings minuted. Templates created and all records stored electronically.
IP When advising our student we asked her to think about her interests and her future. She chose an education based project. Wants to work with children, possibly as a teacher. Title: LANGUAGES – LESSONS TO BE LEARNED?
Aims Overall aim- to see what methods/styles of teaching and activities motivate and engage primary school-aged pupils the most when learning a modern language. My project was split into 3 parts: 1. Collecting research commenting on the teaching of languages in Britain. 2.Trying out various methods of teaching French in an Edinburgh primary school. 3.Examining what motivates children to enjoy learning a foreign language here and abroad.
Research Reports Articles Websites Statistical Analysis Interview with academic at Edinburgh University
Questionnaires Sent to schools in France and Spain to find out about childrens experiences of learning a foreign language. Oral survey of same-age children at Granton primary. Replies analysed and conclusions drawn.
Teaching Placement At Granton Primary School Rachel planned and taught a series of lessons in French. She varied type of tasks to ascertain the ones which motivated children the most. Helped by Broughton staff with her lesson planning. She kept a reflective diary during her placement.
Her Conclusions Children like the same things. The main difference seems to be the use of technology. No problem here with getting children motivated to learn a language. It comes down to how we, as a nation, value foreign languages.
Presenting Her Project Rachel chose to deliver a presentation accompanied by a folio of work (lesson plans, student work, photos etc). Her audience – ML department (7), depute and head teacher, primary teachers. Audience questionnaire for feedback to help with project evaluation.
The Negatives We had an excellent candidate. Motivated and organised. Even SHE needed a lot of help in meeting her deadlines. Worry when things dont go to plan. Contingency plans very important. A lot of hard-work for one student.
The Positives Good deal of support for schools. IP is an excellent way for students to develop skills they will need in the workplace. Achievement of students – 17 year old teaching a p7 class French In her evaluation she stated she was proud of her achievements. Could admit mistakes but admit successes. We feel more confident to deliver in future.