CIS101 Introduction to Computing Week 03
Agenda Your questions Online gradebook and quizzes Your Web space Review of charts and today’s homework Excel project two This week’s assignments
Gradebook Quizzes automatically marked and entered into gradebook Other assignment grades will be posted in gradebook
Webspace Pace University students can maintain a Web site on Pace server Must comply with appropriate uses policy, see Will use your site in CIS101 to post html and JavaScript assignments
To Register for WEBSPACE Any student registered in class by last Friday had Web space automatically created Account name: Pace ID Password: last 4 digits of ss# Access your Web space now (Course Materials)
Web space If you don’t see your Web space: Go to (see Assignments week 03) Register for student page, you MUST use your Pace student , should receive reply in hours Will use your Web space for HTML and JavaScript (week 05)
Review of Charts Basic terminology Data series – a set of information (data) that will be plotted on a graph (same color) Legend – box that displays the relationship between a data series and its assigned color
Chart types Displays the relationships between numbers in a series Column, bar, line Displays the relationship of parts to a whole pie Some examples from your homework
Excel Project Two Produce summary of investments Use web query and real-time data to update results Basic tasks in excel: Formatting Spell checking Display with formulas visible Print
Formulas for project two Need to calculate: Initial cost Current value Gain/loss Percent gain/loss Use excel syntax to enter formulas in cells
Start Project two Start excel and open a new worksheet Enter titles and numbers (page 2.07) Use ALT+ENTER to display column titles as multiple lines of text
Excel and Formulas = (equal) signals to excel you want to enter a formula When you used autosum last week, equal sign was inserted for you by excel Formulas often use arithmetic operators (p. 2.10)
Order of Operations Operations are carried out following order of operations from algebra not always left to right, depends on what operations are performed Table 2.2 describes the order of operations You can use parentheses to override (change) this order Table 2.3 gives examples JavaScript also follows the same order of operations for formulas
Built-in functions Excel includes prewritten formulas called functions Function takes a value or values, performs an operation, then returns result (answer) to the cell Values are called arguments
Format for Functions All functions begin with equal sign (=) and include arguments in parentheses Examples: =AVERAGE(D3:D10) =MAX(D3:D10)
What functions are available? Click function icon or Click insert sub-menu, select insert function Functions are organized by category
Web queries Existing web queries (included with Excel) connect to MSMoney to import stock prices Use stock symbol to look up current price Use second worksheet for Stock Quotes
Summary of Project Two Apply various formats to numbers (currency, comma, percent) Change height and width of columns and rows Enter formulas Use built-in functions average, min, and max
Summary cont. View worksheet with formulas Print and preview spreadsheet Use a second worksheet Import data from a Web source using a Web query
This week online Reading Concepts chapter 3 (Application Software) Excel Project Two Course Documents, week 03 Lecture notes for Concepts chapter 3 Lecture notes for Excel project two
Assignments Discussion Board postings online quiz – Concepts chapter 3 Excel homework Select one Cases and Places exercise (starting on p. 2.78), either #1, #2, #3, #4, or #5 Submit via digital drop box using name yourlastname_yourfirstinitial_week03.xls
Next class Bring Excel book to next class Final week for Excel