7/8 Spanish 2 Nicole Toth ¡B IENVENIDOS ! W ELCOME !
M Y C ONTACT I NFORMATION *The best way to contact me is through School phone: (248) ext Room #: 503 Class Website:
A BOUT M E 11th year teaching, all primarily at BCS Bachelor’s in Spanish and Master’s in Curriculum and Teaching, both from MSU Married 9 years to Chad, a real estate broker and owner Real Estate Gives. Live in Oxford with our 3 kids; Tyler, 5, and Keegan, 3 ½, and Mia, 1 ½ months; Baby #4 due November 1st
S PANISH AT BCS Why Did BCS Choose Spanish as its focal language? Spanish will be very useful in the upcoming U.S. society, not to mention globally Hispanics made up 16 percent of America’s population in 2009, but that is forecast to surge to 29 percent by 2050, according to estimates by the Pew Research Center. “The language that will be essential for Americans and has far more day-to-day applications is Spanish…Spanish is a practical add-on to your daily life, meshing with whatever career you choose.” - Nicholas D. Kristof, a columnist for The New York Times, says in his article “First learn Spanish. Then study Chinese.”
7/8 P ACING S CHEDULE Spanish 1b+Spanish 2a/b Students Who Take this Course 7 th graders who passed Spanish 1a in 6 th grade 8 th graders who repeated the Spanish 1a class in 7 th grade 8 th graders who passed Spanish 1b in 7 th grade General Progression to High School (8 th graders only) HS Spanish 2A 8 th graders that perform at a high level – HS Spanish 3A 8 th graders that perform at a passing/below passing level – HS Spanish 2A or B
S TATE C REDIT The MI State Board of Education expects all students to complete two credits of a world language other than English prior to graduation, or demonstrate a two-year equivalent proficiency. For one credit: successful completion of the high school’s first year final exam at the Novice Mid level. Usually takes place at the end of level 1b. For a second credit in the same world language: successful completion of the second year final exam at Novice High level. Usually takes place at the end of level 2b.
S TATE C REDIT C ON. In other words, if your child passes the 1b exam at the end of this year at 80% or higher, they will receive 1 state credit. If your child passes the 2b exam at the end of 8 th grade, they will receive 1 more credit. If they pass all of these exams, they will have fulfilled the state requirement before entering high school. That being said, both BPS high schools still require one more year of a language in high school beyond the last completed at the middle school level. Visit 823_7.pdf for more details 823_7.pdf
SPANISH 2 Our curriculum is based on the National Standards for Foreign Language, which encompasses the 5 C’s of Modern Language Education: Communications – Understanding and producing the language Cultures – Practices, products and perspectives of Hispanic countries Comparisons – comparing Spanish language and Hispanic cultures to English/US Connections – integrating with other curriculum areas Communities – using Spanish beyond school setting
SPANISH 1 B Curriculum The Spanish 2 curriculum, created by a committee of BPS Spanish teachers, follows the State GLCE’s (Grade Level Concept Expectations) and the BPS World Language Philosophy. Here is an overview of the units: 2a (1 st and 2 nd Quarters) 2b (3 rd and 4 th Quarters) Review Unit – 1b regular and irregular verbs, 1b various grammar topics Unit 1 – Discussing technology using the preterite/past tense Unit 2 – Discussing interests using imperfect/past tense Unit 3 – Reviewing daily routines with both preterite and imperfect tenses Unit 4 – Discussing Travel and giving directions Unit 1 – Discussing food and healthy lifestyles Unit 2 – Describing your health and how you feel Unit 3 – Discussing community events in the future and recent past Unit 4 – Discussing the environment in the conditional tense
SPANISH 1 B Grade Weight Percentages Assignments – 40% Quizzes/Tests – 50% PEP (Preparation/Effort/Participation) – 10%
SPANISH 1 B Work/Late Work If a student has an overall low grade in Spanish, it is sometimes due to missing/late work Most work will consist of studying for vocabulary and grammar quizzes and unit tests I accept late homework, but it goes down by 25% each week it is late.
SPANISH 1 B Quizzes/Tests 1 Vocabulary Quiz per unit of 40+ words each 1 Grammar Quiz per unit 1 Skills Test per unit consisting of Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking sections
SPANISH 1 B PEP (Preparation/Effort/Participation) 10% of grade is based on PEP PEP Rubric includes these categories: Preparation and Effort Participation Class PresenceIndividual Participation Academic PreparednessPartner/Group Participation Accepting Constructive CriticismSpanish-speaking Participation Respect Towards Others Openness to Learn
SPANISH 1 B S.O.C Tarea (Spanish Outside of Class) A way to encourage learning the language and culture outside of our classroom to achieve the standard of “Communities” Choose from multiple activities (see handout), all worth various points Need 20 points by Nov 1 (next quarter, it will be 30 points)
C LASS R ESOURCES My Website: Located here: Digital Copy of Tonight’s Information (Course Outline/PEP Rubric, This Power Point) Weekly Class Schedule and Information Class Documents, Student Homework and Handouts Helpful Links My Contact Information (also see handout)
C LASS R ESOURCES PowerSchool k12.mi.us/public/ Your child’s grades at your fingertips! I keep pretty detailed information on here – see individual student comments
C LASS R ESOURCES Helpful External Resources: (see link on my webpage for our class online vocabulary activities) (there are others listed on the Blogroll section of my blog)
C LASS T RIP : M AY 1-2 C HICAGO Thursday-Friday $405 6 th trip there, usually 35+ students attend Visit page on my website for past years’ pics You can begin signing your children up now! (see handout or visit latina-trip-to-chicago/) latina-trip-to-chicago/)
H ERE ’ S TO A N E XCITING Y EAR FOR YOUR S TUDENTS ! Thank you for coming!