Our ladys High School (Motherwell)
Some examples of the projects that learners have been involved in for the Leadership Award…
Project Examples: Scary Movie Night - event planned for the year S4 – S6 groups with tickets. Watched the film, The Amityville Horror, with popcorn S1 – S6 Halloween Disco St Valentines Disco and rose delivery service Sensory Garden project Easter Egg hunt in sensory garden Car washing events Catering for the Awards Ceremony Virgin Vie party night S6 Year Book
Project Examples: Link with local Care Home – Christmas Coffee morning with choir - collection of chocolates and biscuits for the local care home. Presenting the gifts to individuals in the care home with the choir performing and a small ecumenical service Homeless people project – Parcels with toiletries and basic foodstuffs were delivered to a local centre for the homeless Christmas party – in local special needs school School website and blog development - School press release – for the Popes visit to Bellahouston Park in Glasgow
From the teachers….
The Leadership Award - what are the benefits to learners?
Independent learning Preparation for life after school Recognition of work in school Making firm links in the school community Gaining transferrable skills
What advice would you give to centres thinking about delivering the Award?
The course is organized in a lecture/tutorial style as all of our students are University candidates. This worked well for them but was a bit of a culture shock at first! Make sure that students and parents realise that this is a SCQF level 6 subject and needs to be addressed as such Set clearer deadlines for tasks to be met Send clear information to parents
From the learners….
What did you gain from the Award?
Learned that organising certain events involves much more work than anticipated! Learned that to be an effective leader, you need many different skills and qualities It is difficult to lead a team of different people
Learned how to execute a task and evaluate it afterwards Found out more about myself It gives you the opportunity to take charge of your own project and be responsible for the outcome
Enjoyed the lecture style environment. It gave me the insight into the life that we might experience at University Learned that being a leader can be very stressful! Improved my communication skills Would recommend it to others but only if they were willing to work hard
It is a different style of course delivery from other subjects and you find out more about yourself and other people It is a subject which isnt too stressful and can be enjoyed without the pressure you find in other subjects Useful for CVs and personal statements for UCAS