Prevention of Skin Cancer
UV Radiation Characteristics There are 4 types of radiation: UVA – this type of radiation penetrates the skin much deeper than UVC or UVB. The main effect of it is it ages the skin, however it contributes a lot less towards sunburn and therefore skin cancer. UVB – although this type of radiation does not penetrate the skin as deeply as UVA rays, it is responsible for the majority of sunburns and is the main cause of skin cancer. UVC – this type of radiation does not contribute at all to skin cancer as it is absorbed by our ozone layer. Vacuum U V- the shortest wavelength of all the UV, vacuum UV cause no danger of skin cancer since it is almost completely absorbed by air. Electromagnetic spectrum
Effect of UV light on skin cells All UV rays cause a degree of harm to the skin, as when they are absorbed they damage DNA in the skin cells. The body then responds to this damage by attempting to repair the damaged DNA- causing new skin cells to grow at an almost out of control rate. The physical symptoms of this are sunburn and this can then eventually result in skin cancer.
Difference between sun-blocks and sun filters Sun-block – reflect UV rays so that no damage is caused to our skin. With new technology, the particles in sun block are no longer visible. Sun filter – absorbs UV rays so there is still a small amount of exposure. Although a sun filter will absorb most of the UV rays, it is still important to pick the correct level of SPF for your skin type. SPF – the degree to which a sunscreen or sun-block protects the skin.
The UV index The UV index is a table in which you can compare your skin type against the level of UV radiation that can be present, so you can determine how at risk you are from skin damage from UV rays. Once a personal determined risk level has been found, an appropriate level of protection can then be selected.
UV index table Low risk - no protection is needed. Medium risk - take care around midday and do not spend too long in the sun unprotected. High risk - cover up and spend time in the shade between 11 and 3. Use least factor 15 sunscreen on exposed skin. Very high risk - be sure to cover up and in the shade between 11 and 3. And use at least factor 15 sunscreen.
Bibliography provided all information with the exception of details regarding sun block and sun filters, which was sourced