Activity 1 cause an earthquake off the coast of Chile effect a tsunami hitting Japan
Activity 2 Activate Link
Activity 3 textcause energy from the earthquake vertically jolted the seabed by several metres the plates that make up the Earth’s surface suddenly move against each other the waterline suddenly retreated the sea floor ruptured along the fault line north of the epicentre the biggest earthquake for 40 years the water reached 1km inland the tsunami reached shallow water near coastal areas effect displacing hundreds of cubic kilometres of water exposing hundreds of metres of beach and seabed a series of large waves the tsunami slowed but increased in height widespread destruction a giant wave earthquakes
causeeffectconnector Activity 4 1. The earthquake in Chile 3. Heavy rain 2. The tsunami that hit Japan 4. The high number of accidents caused 5. A strong wind blowing from the north led to 6. The lowering of the temperature resulted in a fall in the temperature. some deaths. a lot of accidents happening. many homes being destroyed. a tsunami to hit Japan. snow in the mountains.
Language Point 1 Use the following connectors to link cause and effect: … CAUSE … … RESULT IN … … LEAD TO …
Language Point 2 The connectors cause/result in/lead to are used to link nouns and noun phrases only. Are “an earthquake off the coast of Chile” and “a tsunami hitting Japan” noun phrases? Yes, they are. So they can be used with cause/result in/lead to. “The tsunami hit Japan caused a lot of deaths.” Is this sentence correct? No, it isn’t. So what is wrong with it?
“The tsunami hit Japan” is a noun clause, not a noun phrase. How can it be changed into a noun phrase? Method 1: By using a relative clause “The tsunami which hit Japan caused a lot of deaths.” Method 2: By using “the fact that” “The fact that the tsunami hit Japan caused a lot of deaths.”
“The tsunami which hit Japan led to destroying of many homes.” Is this sentence correct? No, it isn’t. The –ing form of the verb cannot be used after the connector. Method 1: By changing the verb into a noun form “The tsunami which hit Japan led to the destruction of many homes.” Method 2: By using the passive voice “The tsunami which hit Japan led to many homes being destroyed.” So how can the sentence be changed?
Activity 5 textcauseeffect energy from the earthquake vertically jolted the seabed by several metres the plates that make up the Earth’s surface suddenly move against each other the waterline suddenly retreated the sea floor ruptured along the fault line north of the epicentre the biggest earthquake for 40 years the water reached 1km inland the tsunami reached shallow water near coastal areas displacing hundreds of cubic kilometres of water exposing hundreds of metres of beach and seabed a series of large waves the tsunami slowed but increased in height widespread destruction a giant wave earthquakes