Water project Documents AuthorsGraeme Reid, Andover Primary School, Brechin, Angus, Scotland. Pupils are to be able to: - Devise an experiment to purify water that has been contaminated. - Use the appropriate language to describe the process. - Plan, do and review their experiment. Objectives Internet (Pupils researched ideas), Digital cameras to record their work. Software DescriptionThe pupils are to be split into to small groups. They will then, through using a variety of resources, prepare an experiment to filter out any impurities in the water. After carrying out the experiment pupils will evaluate their work and suggest further improvements. Learning Areas Science: Water Levels years of ageContaminate, filtration,filter,solids liquids soluble insoluble Keywords Project Overview
Water project Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Student Project Overview: Pupils are to: -Devise an experiment to purify contaminated water. -Pupils are to carry out this piece of using the appropriate vocabulary -Pupils will review their work and build in appropriate changes, if needed, to their experiment. Class Server Resources: Download teaching resources from the following web page Documents This project leads on to a technology project on designing and making a boat
Water project Teacher and School Information Andover Primary School 50 Drumachlie Park Brechin Angus DD9 7BU Scotland, UK