The Australian National Seismic Network (ANSN) Ms Yue Li Geophysical Network Section (GN) Geoscience Australia (GA)
The Australian National Seismic Network (ANSN) Operate and maintain Australian Comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organization (CTBT) seismo-acoustic stations Operate and maintain ANSN & Joint Urban Monitoring Program (JUMP) networks Monitor data quality to ensure that it is fit for purpose
Key Performance Indicators Allow the detection, estimation of the location (position, depth) and magnitude of all earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 or greater anywhere in Australia within 24 hours of an earthquake Allow the detection of 99.9% of earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or greater anywhere in the region of the Indian Ocean, southwest Pacific, and Indonesia within 10 minutes of the earthquake happening Any issues with data distributed to external organizations (CTBTO, IRIS, other seismological organizations) are responded to by GN staff within 2 business days Make Australian seismic data regularly available to other overseas tsunami warning and seismological agencies (e.g. United States, India, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, New Zealand, and Thailand)
The Australian National Seismic Network Map
Current seismic network GA supports 80 stations consisting of: ANSN -62 stations IRIS/USGS stations – MBWA, CTAO, NWAO, CASY IRIS/IDA stations – COCO Geoscope stations – CAN CTBT stations – ASAR, STKA, FITZ, CTA, NWAO, MAW Several non-seismic stations with infrasound, geomagnetic, hydroacoustic and GPS equipment Australia stations operated by others eg TAU, WRA, networks in SA, QLD and commercial operators
Inside of the station
ANSN Broadband and Seismic Stations in Australia and the Region Before the 2004 Tsunami GA had around 30 Broadband seismic stations in its network in varying states of serviceability. By 2011 there are over 80 sites maintained by GA with most having modern equipment Between 2006-2011 ~ 60 seismic stations have been built or had major upgrades. In 2010/11 the IU and II stations had equipment upgrades completed. Installed a 13 element broadband seismic array (PSAR) in NW WA for seismic monitoring for Tsunamigenic earthquakes in the Indonesian region. Currently on test bed. Seven Broadband seismic stations still require equipment upgrades to be completed. Four new seismic stations are being built in regional SA.
System Architecture – Tier 1 Communications: Internet, VSAT on dual stream capacity to GA and Bureau of Meteorology Broadband seismic stations - including those constructed as a component of the Australian Government's program to create the Australian Tsunami Warning System (ATWS), IRIS GSN and CTBTO stations Q330HR digitisers, STS-2 and KS54000 broadband 3 component seismometers @ 40 sps PA23 accelerometers High sample rate data (200sps) storage for ~30 days
System Architecture – Tier 2 Communications: VSAT to GA, internet, NextG, DDS, Spread spectrum radio ANSN broadband and short period stations Q330HR, GDAS, CMG-3ESP, CMG-40T @ 20 and 40 sps CMG-5 accelerometers High sample rate data (200sps) storage for ~3 days
System Architecture – Tier 3 Communications: NextG, ADSL JUMP (Joint Urban Monitoring Program) stations. 33 located throughout Australia under the general design criteria of being near to large population centres with one hard rock and one soft rock site to measure strong ground motion. Each site consists of a 6 channel 24 bit digitiser with a seismometer and accelerometer and NextG or ADSL comms with single vertical channel seismic data streamed to GA's data collection network. Ref Tek Model 130-01, LE3D seismometers @20 sps real time (z-chan) Ref Tek Model 131A-02/3 accelerometers 200 sps 6 ch High sample rate data storage for ~30 days
System Architecture – Tier 4 & 5 Communications: GSM dial up,Local dowload Aftershock, long term temporary deployments eg. 5 stations deployed in the Sydney Basin. 12 aftershock kits at GA facilities in Canberra and Perth Tier 5 Other end of life stations non-JUMP seismometer stations located in NSW
ANSN Data Collection System
Data Services Seedlink server port 18000 IRIS DMC datafeed CTBTO IDC datafeed of IMS stations DatalessSEED to IRIS and other client groups Orb2orb to USGS, IRIS, Malaysia
ANSN Operation and Monitoring System Project staff monitor station State of Health (SOH) and data. A number of tools are used to perform the monitoring such as; Antelope applications (Orbmonrtd, Dlmon), Nagios, PQLX, RRD and GA developed tools.
The End Thanks for your attention. Please feel free to ask any questions
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