Farahwahida Mohd LRS 13 Level 2 Tel: Websites: › ›
In this course, student should be able to understand basic rules in static web design and dynamic web application development. Besides that, students are introducing with database and programming trend involve in web development.
Develop HTML document with fundamental tags Create links in a HTML document Beautify a webpage/website Create tables in a webpage Divide a page by using frames Improvise a webpage with forms and scripts Display website on a server
Lab 10% Quizzes10% (several given, 2 chosen) Assgn.10% (several given, 2 chosen) Project10% Mterm20% Final40% › Total100%
HTML › HyperText Markup Language HTML is not an ordinary programming language because it used ‘markups’ – language that describes a document structure and content Home Page › The first page in a website Webpage › A single page in a website › A hypertext document within a Web site Website › A collection of webpages to create one site of a particular area – personal, business, blog, etc. › An entire collection of linked documents
Network › A structure linking computers together for sharing purposes – share files, printers, etc. Host › Users access a network through this computer Server › A computer that makes resources available to a network
Client › A computer or other devices that requests services from a server Client-Server › One of the most common structures which makes up of several clients accessing information provided by one or more servers LAN › Local Area Network – a type of network that connects computers within a small area, e.g. a building
WAN › Wide Area Network – covers a wider area, e.g. several buildings or cities › Largest WAN is the Internet
Late 1960s, Internet is called ARPANET Consisted of two network nodes (hosts) located at Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles and Stanford Univ. – connected by phone lines Today, the Internet has grown into interconnection of mobile phones, PDAs, televisions, networks Connections now consist of fiber optics cables, satellites, phone lines, other media
Foundations for WWW (triple W or Web) were laid in 1989 by Timothy Berners-Lee and other researchers at CERN nuclear research facility near Geneva, Switzerland Rather than using some crazy arrays of terms, acronyms and commands, a simpler interface was created: the WWW
Method of organizing information that gives readers control over the order that information is presented Gives quicker and simpler access to diverse pieces of information Unlike reading a book, where a linear progression is used (reading page by page), hypertext allows a myriad of ways where readers can straight away go to where they desire
Key to hypertext is hyperlinks (links) › Allows users to jump from one document to another Individual web page may includes the elements of multimedia › Texts, animation, graphics, audio, video and other programs
Web Server › This is where web pages are stored, which made available to the network Web Browser › A client runs this to view a Web page
Word processor › Microsoft Word, Notepad, Textpad › Save the files with.htm or.html extension HTML editor › Various editors in the market, Adobe Dreamweaver is a good editor
What is hypertext document What is Web server? Web Browser? How do they work together? What is HTML? How do HTML documents differ from documents created with a word processor such as Word or Writer? What is a deprecated feature?
Plan out a Web page before coding May use a story board › May just draw or create a sample using a word processor Identify the document’s different elements elements › Distinct objects in the document Paragraph, heading, page title, etc. › Formatting Bold, italics, underline, etc.
Core building block of HTML is a tag › Marks each element in a document › Two-sided or one-sided Two-sided tag › Syntax: content is called the opening tag is called the closing tag One-sided tag › Syntax: Look carefully, one-sided tag HAS NO CONTENT!!!
Use to add notes to HTML code Not required, but a good practice to give ‘documentation’ to the code Will NOT be displayed by the web browser Syntax: › Can be spread over several lines › <!--- I am putting this like this because I want to show the comment tag -->
HTML does NOT care about white spaces – blank spaces, tabs, line breaks, within the file It ignores all white spaces and treat them as a single space
Many tags contain attributes that control the behavior and appearance of an element Insert the attributes within the tag brackets Syntax: › for one-sided tag › content for two-sided tag
Attribute1, attribute2, etc. are the names Value1, value2, etc. are the values associated with the names
The fundamental element of HTML is to open up the HTML and close it › The HTML document is divided into two sections: › The head › The body
The head element contains information about the document, mainly the › Title › Keywords that a search engine on the Web might use to identify this document for users The body element contains all contents to be displayed by the Web browser
So, you have: the title all the contents of the body is here
Mr. Faudzi’s Web Design Class
Contains content displayed in a separate section within the page, setting it off from other blocks › Paragraphs and headings are examples of block-level elements Inline element › Part of the same block as its surrounding content Individual words or phrases within a paragraph
HTML supports six heading elements, numbered h1 through h6 › h1 heading is the largest › h6 heading is the smallest Syntax › content where y is a number either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
Style specifies the attributes in a tag Styles can be inline Inline styles describes the appearance of an element Syntax: › content You will learn more on styles as the course progresses
Modifies the alignment of the element Syntax: › content where align can be left, right, center or justify Example: › Web Design Class
Insert a paragraph using: › content When the browser sees the tag, it starts a new line with a blank space above it, separating the new paragraph from the one before
To create a new line without having any blank spaces above it Syntax: › › Sakirin = Class Rep : › Facebook : kirin selama perak