(All shook up.)
Usually happen near faults. (What are faults?) Many faults are near plate boundaries, but they can be anywhere and everywhere. Over one million earthquakes per year (one every thirty seconds). Most are too small to be felt. But, there are several hundred powerful, damaging ones per year.
P-WavesS-WavesL-Waves (aka Surface Waves)
Measures the magnitude (amount of energy released). 0-10 scale. Devised by Charles Richter in 1935.
It goes up exponentially. Going up one whole number means a ten times more powerful quake! So going up two whole numbers means a 100 times more powerful quake!!
By far the most destructive of all
Happen at subduction zones. Since 1900, all six 9.0 or greater quakes. Can produce tremendous tsunamis (ex. Southeast Asia in 2004 and Japan in 2011) The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a very likely spot for a megathrust and a tsunami. Click on image for short video (0:28)