Administration and IT Added Value Assessments: - National 5 Course Assessment - National 4 Added Value Unit Adam Stephenson Qualifications Development Consultant Administration and IT Added Value Assessments: - National 5 Course Assessment - National 4 Added Value Unit Adam Stephenson Qualifications Development Consultant
Adding Value – National 4 and National 5 Each Course at National 4 and National 5 includes the assessment of added value For National 4, the added value is in the Added Value Unit this is not graded For National 5, the added value is in the Course Assessment graded A–D (as at present)
National 5 – Assignment Set and marked by SQA (annual refresh) Candidates will work through a series of tasks based around a fictional event Completed during class time, under supervised conditions
National 4 Added Value Unit Assignment SQA provide an AV Unit for centres to use Candidates will work through a series of tasks based around a fictional event Completed during class time, under supervised conditions Advice and commentary will be provided on making assessment judgements