CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise The Capital of Texas Enrolled Agents November 2010 The Offer-in-Compromise
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise What is an Offer in Compromise? Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §7122 provides the legal guidelines establishing the basis and definition of an Offer-in-Compromise An Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) is an agreement between a taxpayer and the Government that settles the taxpayer’s tax liability (if accepted) for less than the full amount the taxpayer owes.
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise IRS-OIC Objectives Implemented to resolve taxpayer/liability disputes Allows the Government to collect what they can now Also allows the Government to obtain cash, assets & other cash equivalents through other means, other than levy/seizure Provides taxpayers a fresh start with tax compliance (to include filing and paying)
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Basis of the OIC The OIC program generally has three typical bases upon which the taxpayer is allowed to submit an OIC as follows: Doubt as to Collectibility (DATC) Doubt as to Liability (DATL) and Effective Tax Administration (ETA)
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Doubt as to Collectibility The taxpayer must owe a liability they cannot pay based upon their “Reasonable Collection Potential” (RCP) & additionally requires the following: Form 656, “Offer in Compromise” Form 433-A or 433-B “Collection Information Statements” A $150 Offer fee applies 20% of OIC amount or 1 st Installment Payment And three months financial support data
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Doubt as to Liability A genuine dispute must exist with respect to the validity, correctness or accuracy of the tax liability, and the following form and information is required: Form 656-L, “Offer in Compromise-Doubt as to Liability”, with the required legal argument/basis NO Form 433-A or 433-B NO $150 Offer fee applies NO 20% of OIC amount or 1 st Installment Pmt And NO three months financial support data
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Effective Tax Administration When the enforced collection of a tax would in effect create an “economic hardship” or would be detrimental to the “voluntary compliance” of a taxpayer, the Government is authorized to accept an OIC based upon ETA ETA’s differ in that taxpayers must have or be able to demonstrate the ability to full pay the tax, however extenuating situations must exist, such as medical and/or mental considerations And three months financial support data
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Effective Tax Administration The following items are yet required: Form 656, “Offer in Compromise” Form 433-A or 433-B “Collection Information Statements” A $150 Offer fee applies A $150 Offer fee applies 20% of OIC amount or 1 st Installment Payment And three months financial support data
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Types of DATC Offers Cash Offer or “Lump Sum Offer” Must be paid in five or fewer installments TP must continue to pay existing installment agreement amount TP may correct 20% shortfall See IRC §7122(c)(1)(A)
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Types of DATC Offers “Short Term Deferred Offer” Allowed to be paid over a “two year period” TP is not required to continue to pay any existing installment agreement amount Failure to pay the required payments is considered a “withdrawal” See IRC §7122(c)(1)(B)
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Types of DATC Offers “Long Term Deferred Offer” Allowed to be paid over a “five year period” and/or allowed to be paid over the remaining CSED-“Statute of Limitations” TP is not required to continue to pay any existing installment agreement amount Failure to pay the required payments is considered a “withdrawal” See IRC §7122(c)(1)(B)
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Other OIC Issues The taxpayer has the “right” to designate OIC payments Failure to designate may be considered an “ethical violation” See IRC §7122(c)(2)(A) for designation rights
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Other OIC Issues The taxpayer has the “right” to Appeal the rejection of an OIC The taxpayer does not have the “right” to Appeal the return of an OIC An OIC may be deemed unprocessable if the payment, substantiation, documentation or other requirements are not met
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise Other OIC Issues Currently as OIC is deemed accepted if it is not rejected before the date which is 24 months after the date of submission Note: If the tax liability is pending dispute via any judicial proceeding, the 24 month period noted above is tolled Under Consideration: Effective July 16, 2011, the 24 month period may possibly be reduced to 12 months
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise OIC Issues-Q & A ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
CTEA-November 2010Offer-in-Compromise The Capital of Texas Enrolled Agents The Offer in Compromise LG Brooks, EA 3102 Maple Ave. Suite 450 Dallas, TX Dalton Dr. Suite E, De Soto, TX (972) voice (972) facsimile website: