“Not” All About Me By: Kevin Villareal
My Dream Name Jake Jake Ryan Ryan Jason Jason
Where I would and wouldn’t live I would live in Hawaii because of the beach and it seems like a nice place to live. I would live in Hawaii because of the beach and it seems like a nice place to live. I would not live in New York City because its too crowded. I would not live in New York City because its too crowded.
Never Happening Career I would never be a Mc Donald's worker because it has low pay and I don’t speak Spanish like the other workers. I would never be a Mc Donald's worker because it has low pay and I don’t speak Spanish like the other workers.
Television Worst movie-The Sound of Music Worst movie-The Sound of Music Worst T.V. Show-Power Puff Girls Worst T.V. Show-Power Puff Girls Rap Rap
Bad Sports Worst sport to watch-golf Worst sport to watch-golf Worst sport to play-golf because it’s really slow and boring Worst sport to play-golf because it’s really slow and boring
Bad Books Worst book-Harry Potter Worst book-Harry Potter Magic isn’t real and they didn’t even make it realistic at all and it had a lot of boring parts. Magic isn’t real and they didn’t even make it realistic at all and it had a lot of boring parts.
Bad Food Worst meal-anything with mushrooms. Worst meal-anything with mushrooms. Worst restaurant-Wolf Creek because the wait is too long. Worst restaurant-Wolf Creek because the wait is too long.
Bad Shops Worst store-I will never go to Hello Kitty because it is really weird Worst store-I will never go to Hello Kitty because it is really weird