Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Designed by Tammy H., Tammy B., Kendra M.MYTHOLOGY
Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits This webquest is designed for a 3 rd grade Social Studies or Literature Unit studies. Each student will be required to review different websites while filling in a chart. They will understand the elements of myths, but also get to read a few during the course of this webquest. Lastly, the student will create his/her own myth.INTRODUCTION
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits You will be researching mythology and looking for particular elements throughout the stories, that are common in myths. Afterwards, you will put your knowledge to use and create your own myth. Title THE TASK
Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits 1.Research the elements of mythology to understand each element: 2. Use the links provided to read selected myths from various cultures: Greek: Egyptian: Roman: African: 3. Fill in the chart to compare and contrast the different mythology elements. Put a check- mark if the myths meet the criteria. (Copy the chart to a piece of paper, and take notes) 4. Create and submit to the teacher, your own scroll-style written myth. The myth should include two of the elements of myths. (Refer to the rubric in the Evaluation tab) THE PROCESS
Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion CreditsEVALUATION Accomplished 8-10 Developing 4-7 Beginning 0-3 Possible Points Elements of a myth included (2) Elements of a myth present in the story (1) Elements of a myth present in the story (0) Elements of a myth present in the story 10 Grammar, Spelling, And Punctuation 1-2 Errors Found 2-3 Errors Found 5 or more Errors Found 10 Story Structure Flows smoothly. Includes a beginning, middle, and end. Beginning, middle, and end present. Weak transitions. Story is fragmented; lack of organization. 10 Identifies Important Information Able to accurately identify myth elements Able to identify at least (1) element Unable to accurately identify elements 10 Activity Chart Rubric Writing A Myth Rubric
Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Congratulations, you are now mythology experts!CONCLUSION You have successfully learned the elements of mythology and authored your own myth. Perhaps your story will be handed down from generation to generation!
Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits The Medusa and Athena Story website: The Story of Re website: The Story of Jupiter, Juno, and Io website: Inkalimeva and the Hare Story webstie: Medusa Picture: The Story of Re Picture: Greek Gods Picture: Hare Picture: pagans Juno Picture: Trophy Picture: CREDITS & REFERENCES