Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! Human Performance Center (HPC) U.S. Department of Energy Office of Corporate Safety Programs (HS-31) Define Work P e r f o r m W o r k F e e d b a c k & I m p r o v e m e n t A n a l y z e H a z a r d s Develop Controls
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! What is Human Performance Improvement? HPI is not another safety program. Focused on reducing human errors and the consequences of error. –thereby improving productivity, quality, and safety. The commercial nuclear industry says –Safety initiatives protect the people from the plant, HPI protects the plant from the people.
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! What is Human Performance? Human Performance is a combination of behavior and results. The Principles of HPI are: –Humans are fallible –Error is predictable –Organization influences behavior –Behaviors are reinforced –Events are avoidable Regardless of how conscientious and careful people are, they still err, sometimes at inopportune moments!
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! Human Performance – A Systems Approach “All systems with people suffer human-related disturbances.” Organizational Factors – the system as a whole Local Conditions – at the worksite Task Factors – the job The Worker Events Culture – artifacts, espoused values, basic assumptions
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! What is the Human Performance Center? Departmental Center operated by HSS Small Federal staff with some contractor support Official start-up in second quarter FY06 (been functioning for 2 years) Influence versus requirements driven Coordinates with the NTC to provide training Develops consistent guidance and tools for the Department Provides implementation assistance to the Field and Program Offices Assists in the analysis and evaluation of events and incidents Serves as a liaison with other organizations –EFCOG, INPO, Other Government Agencies & Private Industry
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! HPC Resources Facilitation, Coaching &Training Publications Website
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! Current HPC Courses
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! Courses Under Development January 2008 July 2008
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! HPC Publications (Draft) Draft Human Performance Handbook HUMAN PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES November 2007 Draft Human Performance Tools For Individuals, Work Teams, and Management Good Practice Guide for Anticipating, Preventing, and Catching Human Errors and Identifying Latent Organizational Weaknesses HUMAN PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT METHODS AND TECHNIQUES November 2007
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! HPC Website September 2007
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! HPI Implementation Office of Health, Safety and Security Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology Brookhaven Nat’l Lab ETTP Lawrence Livermore Nat’l Lab SRS WGI
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! FY08 HPC Activities Coordinate with NTC to publish and implement the Training Schedule (approximately 20 classes) Develop two new courses (requested by the field) –Causal Analysis –Observation and Coaching Develop DOE-Specific HPI Standards, a Tool Box and Lessons Learned Coordinate with the Accident Investigation training and process to include HPI Principles Work with DOE organizations/sites to assist with HPI implementation Establish a process and methodology to serve as a clearinghouse for HPI initiatives and resources in the Department Continue to work closely with EFCOG and other agencies/organizations
Facilitating Safe and Reliable Operations! Questions?