EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations What is EGIAN? 21 Members Europe Global Combined turnover€9.4 bn €25.7 bn Combined staff106, ,000 Big Four average €21.0 bn Largest – PwC €26.1 bn
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations European Institutions European Commission – Civil Service European Parliament – Elected Council of Ministers – Member States
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Background-Audit Reform- Green Paper - Proposal 2008 crisis-where were the auditors? Bank losses, 2007 to 2009 – clean opinions Intrinsic weaknesses were not reported Role of audit needs to be reviewed
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Big Four market shares Market Caps EU27G8USChina FTSE 350-eq 83%84%85% 14% €115 m + 79%80%81% 14% €55 m + 63%75%75% 14%
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Market Stagnation Market shares (Global revenues) PwC24%23% Deloitte22%23% E&Y19%19% KPMG18%17% BDO 4% 4% GTI and RSM 3% 3% Praxity-Mazars-MRI 2% 3% Crowe Horwath 2% 2% Baker Tilly 2% 3%
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Service sectors-largest firms Baker McKenzie$2.1 bn S&P$2.6 bn Black Rock$4.7 bn McKinsey$6.6 bn PwC$26.1
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Comparison-audit and law firms Global market shares Law-top 50 Audit-top 24 Biggest 5 19% 75% Next biggest 5 28% 20% The rest 53% 5%
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations EU-Big 4 country market shares–FTSE 350 equivalent 100%-Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, NL, Slovakia 97% - Italy, UK 96% - Portugal 94% - Sweden 89% - Denmark 87% - Spain 82% - Germany 58% - France
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Issues for the Regulators at the top end of the market Are Big 4 too “close” to their clients? Scepticism? Lack of choice Systemic risk posed by large companies Impact on capital markets of Big 4 collapse Market stagnation – UK FTSE 100 – 50 years Smaller firms cannot now challenge without regulatory intervention What should that be?
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Scope of Green Paper-Draft Proposals Five themes “Clarification” of the role of the auditor Reinforce independence of the profession Support the development of SME’s Reinforce international cooperation, and Promote change in the audit market structure
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Proposals for regulation to change the audit market Large PIE – Market Cap - €1 bn + Joint audit – one big, one small (less than 15% audit fees from large PIEs) Audit engagement not to exceed 9 years Regular tendering Limit non-audit services to large PIE audit clients (size and scope)
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations EGIAN activities Position paper on audit reform Response “work group” Meetings with MEPs, Commission, country ambassadors, other European organisations Contacts with FEE and national audit institutes Country initiatives Relations with BDO and GTI Six-monthly full meetings
EGIAN European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations Strategy considerations Nexia’s global turnover same as Big 4 increase Extrapolate over ten years – where? Audit requirements for smaller companies reducing Is audit a “sustainable” option for EGIAN members? What sort of network do you want to be? Size is relevant If top end of market opens up – mergers, breakaways from Big 4, considerable investment? Are we ready?