TA 6B The Roman Empire
The Roman Empire Brings Change Expansion Creates Problems The unequal distribution of land Large estates called latifundia were owned by rich landowners.
The Roman Empire Brings Change These farms were worked by slaves. (Cheap labor that made up one third of Rome’s population.)
The Roman Empire Brings Change Small farmers and soldiers could not compete and they lost their farms and became part of the urban poor.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Tensions are created between classes and this helps cause the collapse of the Roman Republic.
The Roman Empire Brings Change The Republic Collapses The brothers, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, try to reform Rome in order to help the poor. Both of them die violently and a civil war follows.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Roman generals now use the promise of land to the urban poor in order to gain recruits that are loyal to them and not to Rome.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Julius Caesar Two generals, Gaius Marius and Lucius Sulla fight a civil war. Caesar emerges after the war as a virtual dictator.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Caesar leads a group of three rulers called the First Triumvirate
The Roman Empire Brings Change After serving as consul for a year Caesar is appointed Governor of Gaul (France) which he conquers. Fear of his power is rising in Rome and he is ordered to disband his legions and return to Rome.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Caesar refuses and marches his legions to Rome which causes another civil war.
The Roman Empire Brings Change He defeats his opponents and returns to Rome in 46 B.C.. He is appointed dictator for life in 44 B.C.. The Empire is formed.
The Roman Empire Brings Change He attempts to reform Rome but he is assassinated in 44 B.C..
The Roman Empire Brings Change Civil War begins again A second triumvirate is formed Octavian, Caesar’s nephew, becomes sole ruler in 31 B.C..
The Roman Empire Brings Change A Vast and Powerful Empire. Peace lasts for 207 years and it is called Pax Romano. The Roman Empire has 60-80 million people One million live in Rome.
The Roman Empire Brings Change The Empire is based upon agriculture and trade. 90% of people are farmers, and most food is locally produced.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Trade is made easy with common currency the denarius. Trade is also fostered by Roman roads. These made travel, trade and communication easier.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Life in Imperial Rome. Rome was administered by a well trained civil service which assured the grain supply, tax collection and the postal service.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Political stability was assured by what were called the 5 Good Emperors 96 – 180 A.D.. These were men who led Rome with the support of the Army and the people.
The Roman Empire Brings Change The heart of Roman society was the family. Paterfamilias – father of the family – he ruled.
The Roman Empire Brings Change 2. Women had nearly the same status as men They could own property and testify in court. They could not vote. Women stayed at home, were not formally educated but privately.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Slavery was an integral part of Roman life and they made up one third of the population. Slaves were war captives. Children of slaves were also slaves.
The Roman Empire Brings Change Roman law stated that slaves were property. Strong healthy males were often made to become gladiators and fight in the arena. Slave revolts occurred – Spartacus was the most successful.
HW: TA 6 C Read pages: 168 - 172 Copy and Define Terms (8) page: 172 Copy and Answer Questions 13 & 14 page: 184 Copy Chart on Page 164