1 21 장 전송층 (Transport Layer) 21.1 Duties 21.2 Connection 21.3 OSI Transport Layer 21.4 Summary
2 Internetwork
Duties of the Transport Layer
4 Duties of the Transport Layer zTransport layer compared with data link layer
5 Duties of the Transport Layer zTransport layer duties
6 Duties of the Transport Layer zEnd-to-End Delivery ~ oversee the end-to-end(source-to-destination) delivery of an entire message zAddressing ~ protocol stack or service point
7 Duties of the Transport Layer zService points
8 Duties of the Transport Layer zReliable Delivery
9 Duties of the Transport Layer zError Control
10 Duties of the Transport Layer zSequence Control zSegmentation and Concatenation zSequence Numbers
11 Duties of the Transport Layer zSequence Control
12 Duties of the Transport Layer zLoss Control
13 Duties of the Transport Layer zDuplication Control
14 Duties of the Transport Layer zFlow Control(sliding window)
15 Duties of the Transport Layer zMultiplexing
Connection zEnd-to-End Delivery yConnection-oriented xconnection establishment xdata transfer xconnection termination yConnectionless
17 Connection zConnection establishment
18 Connection zConnection Termination
OSI 전송층 프로토콜 z 전송 클래스 yTP0: Simple class yTP1: Basic error recovery class yTP2: Multiplexing class yTP3: Error recovery and multiplexing class yTP4: error detection and recovery class
20 OSI 전송층 프로토콜 zTPDU(Transport Protocol Data Unit) ylength( 길이 ) : TPDU 의 바이트 수 yFixed parameters : yvariavle parameter : 관리 정보 yData : 상위층으로부터 받은데이터
21 OSI 전송층 프로토콜 zConnection-Oriented and Connectionless Service