1 Codependency EQ: How could being in a codependent relationship be harmful?
2 Codependency Codependency – a problem in which a person neglects him/herself to take care for, control or try to “fix” someone else. Does anyone know a codependent person? –What are some characteristics of this person?
3 Characteristics of Codependent People What are some characteristics of codependent people?
4 What to know about codependency Enabler – A person who supports the harmful behaviors of others –Although the person knows it is wrong they help someone continue with harmful behaviors. –Ex: Someone who lends money to someone with a gambling addiction or drug addiction Support Group – a group of people who help one another recover from an addiction, a particular disease or a difficult situation.
5 What to know about codependency A codependent person needs to… 1. Develop a better sense of self 2. Learn to share feelings 3. Learn to stay focused on solving one’s own problems 4. Allowing other people to be responsible for their own lives 5. Use honest talk to confront people with problems
6 People who are codependent Often fail to recognize they are codependent. Have a hard time living their own life. Example: A friend I had…
7 Writing Prompt A codependent relationship is harmful not only to the codependent person but also to the person he/she is enabling. Tell me some ways a person can “recover” from a codependent relationship. How is the person who is being enabled being harmed? Have you ever been in or witnessed a codependent relationship?
8 Vocabulary Practice 1.A desire to continue certain actions despite their negative consequences 2.A person who neglects him/herself to care for, control or try to fix someone else 3.This is what makes you different from others 4.During this confrontation, people tell a loved one how their addiction affects them 5.Another word for disposition 6.When a person does not maintain his or her hold on recovery 7.Recovery from an addiction might involve participation in this a. codependence b. relapse c. personality d. formal intervention e. attitude f. addiction g. support group