Mini-Teach: File Management Darek Sady 7/3/03
2 File Sorting It is easier to organize your files if you can list them in ways that make sense to you. Sorting files allows you to organize them by name, type, size or date modified. These tools can also help you locate certain files as well as getting a handle on all the files you may have.
3 File Sorting 1. Open the folder that contains files you want to sort. 2. Maximize the window. 3. Go to the View Menu 4. Choose Details 5. Click on the column titles to sort the window in different ways (maximize) Clicking on the column headings will sort the files in the window (Double-Click)
4 File Renaming Sometimes you will need to rename a file, or change it’s name. It is always a good idea to make the filename reflect the content of the file. When you change a filename, there are certain characters that you cannot use (like “\”). If your file extensions are showing, make sure that you keep them the same once you have renamed your files.
5 File Renaming: 2 Methods 1. Right-Click on the file and choose Rename from the context menu. Type in the new filename. Press Enter when you are done. 2. Or, Slowly click twice on the filename. When the cursor appears, Type in the new filename. Press Enter when you are done. Note: If the file extension is showing (“.txt” in the example above), make sure that you leave it the same when you are done renaming the file.
6 File Selection: When you want to organize batches of files, it is necessary to select certain files or groups of files. There are several different selection methods available and they can all be used in conjunction to select the particular files that you need.
7 File Selection Methods: Selecting All: 2 Methods 1. Go to the Edit menu, and choose Select All. 2. Or, Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard. Press the A key, and release. + A
8 File Selection Methods: Selecting One File 1. Click once on the file you want to select. It will appear selected. 2. To select everything but a file(s), go to the Edit menu, and choose Invert Selection.
9 File Selection Methods: Selecting Specific Individual Files 1. To select specific, non-adjacent files, hold the CTRL key and Click once on the files you wish to select. 2. You can also use the Invert Selection feature in combination with this selection method. +CLICK
10 File Selection Methods: Selecting a Range of Files 1. Click once on the first file in the group. Hold the SHIFT key down and Click once on the last file in the group. Release the SHIFT Key. +CLICK
11 File Selection Methods: Selecting a Group of Files 1. Go to the View menu, and select Large Icons. 2. Click in the white area to the upper- left of the files you want to select. 3. Draw a selection box around the desired files, and release the mouse button when you’re done. Start Here:
12 Modifying to Modify File Locations: Cut - 3 Methods 1. Select the file(s) you wish to Cut. 2. Go the Edit Menu and choose Cut. 3. Or, Right-Click on the file and choose Cut from the context menu. 4. Or, Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard. Press the X key, and release. + X
13 Cut, Copy and Paste Cut: Taking files and/or folders and removing them from their current location and temporarily placing them into the windows clip board. Copy: Leaving files and/or folders where they are and temporarily placing them into the windows clip board. Paste: Using the windows clipboard to produce a copy of a file and/or folders.
14 Preparing to Modifying File Locations: Copy - 3 Methods 1. Select the file(s) you wish to Cut. 2. Go the Edit Menu and choose Copy. 3. Or, Right-Click on the file and choose Copy from the context menu. 4. Or, Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard. Press the C key, and release. + C
15 Making a New Folder: 2 Methods 1. Go to the File Menu and choose New Folder. 2. Or, Right-Click in a area of white space in the window. Choose New Folder from the context menu. 3. When the cursor appears, Type in the new folder name. Press Enter when you are done.
16 Folders for Organization: Folders can be used to group files and other folders together for increased organization. Not unlike a filing cabinet, folders allow you to place files and folders in groups under a name that you decide. This can assist you in organizing the files and folders you have on your computer.
17 Pasting Files: 3 Methods 1. Go to the location where you wish to Paste. 2. Go the Edit Menu and choose Paste. 3. Or, Right-Click in white space and choose Paste from the context menu. 4. Or,Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard. Press the P key, and release. + P
18 Deleting Files: When you delete a file, it goes to the Recycle Bin. You can retrieve files until you empty the recycle bin. If you want to view or modify a file that is in the Recycle Bin, you need to take it back our of the Recycle Bin. Once the file is out of the Recycle Bin, you can use it again. When you empty the Recycle Bin, those files are permanently removed from your computer.
19 Deleting Files: 2 Methods 1. Select the file(s) you wish to Delete. 2. Press the Delete key on the keyboard. 3. Or, Right-Click on the file and select Delete from the context menu. Note: If you hold the Shift key down while selecting Delete, your file will not go to the Recycle Bin – it will be permanently removed!
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