File Management Basics for Managing Your Files
What exactly is file management? File management is the process of placing, naming, and organizing files and folders in a seemingly logical manner. File management on the computer is similar to how someone would arrange documents and important papers in a filing cabinet. Related papers and documents are placed into an appropriately named folder and that folder is then placed into the appropriate level or section of the file cabinet. Similarly, on the computer, file management would consist of sorting and arranging a group of files into specific folders so that similar or related files are located together. Basics
Why do I need to manage my files? An unorganized computer is very similar to any unorganized room or a messy desk, with stuff placed haphazardly around in no logical location. It creates a problem if you need to find something in a hurry and have no clue where to find the document. And if you don’t have a clue on how to start organizing what you have, whether that be files on your computer or a pile of recipes and receipts, this class will help you. Basics
How do I manage my files? Use Windows Explorer to rearrange and organize your files by: Creating folders and subfolders Moving files to specific folders Renaming files logically for easy retrieval Save new files in a specifically designated folder as you create them Basics
What is Windows Explorer? Basics
Desktop Basics
How to Open Windows Explorer Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop. OR Right-click on the Start button. Select Explore from the menu. Basics
What is a file? A file is a piece of information which is stored on a computer. A file can be something as basic as a Microsoft Word Document to something as intricate as a video. Files are often accessed from within another program and are defined by a specific file extension. More about file extensions later. Basics
File Name A file name is made up of two parts: (1) the name of the document and (2) the file extension. You may name a file anything you wish, but you should probably name a file something you are likely to remember later. Use only letters and numbers in your file names -- Special characters like "-", "/", "&", must be avoided in the file name. Basics
File Name The second part of a file name is the extension. In the file text.doc, the word text is the file name and the.doc is the extension. A period always separates the two. The extension identifies what kind of a document you have. Basics
File Extensions Some examples of file extensions are:.txt : plain text.doc : Microsoft Word Document.htm or.html : Web document.gif,.jpg,.bmp : image.ppt : PowerPoint Presentation.exe : Executable Basics
What is a folder? A folder is basically a box or container in which files are held. Folders are used to group together related files Folders are somewhat like drawers in a file cabinet. On a computer, a folder is used to contain all like files together, such as music in one folder, documents in another, and so on. Thus, organizing files in this manner, files can readily be found without sifting through a plethora of files to find the one you want. Basics
What is a subfolder? Subfolders are simply folders which are placed within another folder. In theory, subfolders are similar to folders within folders in a filing cabinet. The cabinet is the main folder which holds all the folders, or files, but each folder is a subfolder and is responsible for storing specific types of files. You can create subfolders within subfolders. Basics
How to create a folder? Right-click on the desktop area, and select NEW, then FOLDER. Type in the name you want. Hit Enter. Basics
File Management Copying and Moving Files and Folders
Copy and move files and folders Occasionally, you might want to change where files are stored on your computer. You might want to move files to a different folder, for example, or copy them to removable media (such as CDs or memory cards) to share with another person. Most people copy and move files using a method called drag and drop. Start by opening the folder that contains the file or folder you want to move. Then open the folder where you want to move it to. Position the folder windows on the desktop so you can see the contents of both of them. Next, drag the file or folder from the first folder to the second folder. That's all there is to it. Copying and Moving Files and Folders
Copy a file or folder Open Windows Explorer You can copy a file or folder by right-clicking on the file or folder and choosing Copy. Choose the place where you want to put the file or folder, right click the mouse and choose Paste. Copying and Moving Files and Folders
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Copy a file or folder You can copy more than one file or folder at a time. To select consecutive files or folders, click the first item, press and hold down SHIFT, and then click the last item. To select nonconsecutive files or folders, press and hold down CTRL, and then click each item. Copying and Moving Files and Folders
Create a new folder Open Windows Explorer You can create a new folder by right-clicking a blank area in a folder window or on the desktop, pointing to New, and then clicking Folder. Copying and Moving Files and Folders
Delete a file or folder Click the file or folder you want to delete. You can delete files or folders by right- clicking the file or folder and then clicking Delete. To permanently delete a file, press and hold down SHIFT and drag it to the Recycle Bin. The item is permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved from the Recycle Bin. You can also simply click on the file to be deleted, then simply press the Delete button on your keyboard. Copying and Moving Files and Folders
Change name of a file or folder Using Windows Explorer, locate the file or folder you want to rename. Click (highlight) on the file or folder you want to rename. Under File and Folder Tasks, click Rename this file or Rename this folder. Type the new name, and then press ENTER. You can also rename a file or folder by right- clicking it and then clicking Rename. Basic Skills
Rename Folder Basic Skills