AS/400 Concepts & Tools
Day 1 Introduction to the AS/400 Basic Technical Concepts Programming Environment & Tools Programming Development Manager (PDM) Screen Design Aid (SDA) Source Entry Utility (SEU)
Day 2 Nano Project Control Language (CL) Crash Investigation Debugging DB2/400 Query/400 Introduction to RPG
Objective Give the participants a pretty good idea about what a full course would be like and what to expect if they decide to become AS/400 developers.
Hello World
How are you?
Under the hood
Hello World Start session B EX00101DS SAYHELLO DSPCMD EX00101 HELLOSRC / Library Library contains HELLOSRC HELLOSRC contains members
How are you? Session A PDM Opt.1 (TRAINER1) PDM Opt.1 (Ln22/23, F23, F24, F18, Bottom) 12 on TRAINER1 (Lib, Objects) CRTLIB (Security, Msgs(24), +) CRTSRCPF (112, W/o Desc.) 13 on HOWSRC 12 on HOWSRC
Architect’s Plan
The House
PF-SRC = Architect’s Filing cabinet Member = Architect’s Plan Compiler = Civil Engineer Object = The House
SDA Opt.3 EX00201DS EX00201DSA Opt.17; Explain WW Display Records screen Opt.12-Ins/Del caution 2,2 *user, 1,60 *date, 2,65 *time Date & Time >>>>, <<<<<, User -=, -==, CW, CB, CP Exit SDA Session A (SAYHOWRYOU) Session B ( 5 on EX00201DS)
i = Integration
PCAS/400 FolderLibrary Excel file=Physical File Worksheet=Member Row=Record ColumnField
Integrated File System (IFS) Native Environment
Numeric Data Zoned Decimal (Also called Signed) Packed Decimal Binary (My suggestion: Do not use in Business Applications)
Zoned / Signed PositiveNegative M12L Each digit needs one Byte. If negative, sign is indicated by setting “B” bit “on” in Units position.
Sequential File Organization School
Sequential Files No Key Data is stored in arrival sequence
Indexed File Organization School
Indexed Files Have one or more Keys Conceptually, two files – one containing record data, the other containing Key Values and “Pointer” to the record data. Record data is stored in arrival sequence. “The other” file is automatically updated by the Operating System.
Library Type Name
Libraries Purpose Similarity to Windows Folders Exceptions
Libraries (Exceptions) QSYS QTEMP –Purpose –Creation –Initialization –Deletion
Library List
Database Files Physical Files Table in RDBMS Logical File View in RDBMS
File Description (Metadata) Storage Area for Data Index (Access Path in IBM’s terminology)-Optional Member 1 Member 2 Member n Conceptual structure of a PF
Physical Files PF-SRC PF-DTA
PF-DTA & PF-SRC No “Structural” difference Compilation PF-SRC No member PF-DTA One member (Name defaults to File Name)
Members Use Type When to use When not to use
Development Tools Source Entry Utility Screen Design Aid Report Layout Utility Data File Utility
Nano Project
Screen Design Aid (SDA), Option 2-Design menus
Screen Design Aid (SDA), Option 1-Design screens PF-DTA Control Language Program Data File Utility (DFU)
Screen Design Aid (SDA), Option 2-Design menus
We need A menu. A Physical File to store Fruit Information. For menu option 1 (and 2 too). A program to read Fruit Information from PF. For menu option 1. A screen to display Fruit Information. For menu option 1 and 2. A program to display Fruit Information using the DSPF. For menu option 1 and 2. A Logical File (Index) with Fruit Name as the key. For menu option 2. A program to read Fruit Information from LF. For menu option 2.
High Level Plan 1.Create Menu. 2.Implement Option 1. 3.Implement Option 2. 4.Implement Option 3.
Menu = Gift Wrapping
Revised High Level Plan 1.Implement Option 1. 2.Implement Option 2. 3.Implement Option 3. 4.Create Menu.
Option 1 Needs 1.A Physical File to store Fruit Information. 2.A program to read Fruit Information from PF. 3.A screen to display Fruit Information. 4.A program to display Fruit Information using the DSPF.
Option 01 Diagram FRUITSNP0101 NP0102 NP0102DS Fruit Name Purchase Price Retail Price Wholesale Price F3 Pressed? (Y/N)
FRUITS Field NameSizeTypeBytesFromTo NAME30Character301 PURPRICE15,2Zoned RTLPRICE15,2Packed84653 WHLPRICE14,2Packed85461 ?
Development Plan-Option 01 1.Create. 2.Populate. 3.Create. 4.Test. 5.Create. 6.Create. 7.Test FRUITS NP0101 NP0102 NP0102DS ORANGE, 3000, 8000, 5000 PEACH, 15000, 30000, APPLE, 5000, 10000, 8000 Development Testing
Query/400 Benefits Limitataions
RPG Display “Hello World” (EX00103) Calculator (EX00403)
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.