1 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 PM00.8 Project Management Preparation for Success * Manage Documents *
2 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Knowledge Management The systematic and comprehensive process of organizing and storing information so that it can be retrieved, selected and presented in a way that provides value and enables understanding.
3 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Group Exercise – Document Management Discuss the type of problems that occur when a project team generates a lot of documents
4 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Structured Data vs. Unstructured Data Structured Data Fields, records, files, tables Code, models, scripts Rely on tools, databases Source code management tools Hard to organize without tools or structures Unstructured Data Documents, pictures, graphics, text, video, chat Difficult to find tools, although more exist today Document management tools Can organize without tools
5 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Manage Documents - Background Documentation problems as projects get larger More than one person working on a single deliverable Hard to find documents Hard to know status of documents Not sure who is updating Multiple naming conventions Inconsistent formatting Not sure if referencing most current document Saving what’s important, purging the rest
6 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Management - Basics Determine document repository –Directory structure –Shared drive –File cabinet Define organization of repository –Folders and subfolders –What goes where Define naming standards –' Joe Smith Status Report‘ –'Joe Smith Status Report'
7 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Management - Basics Determine what documents need versioning Define document status –‘draft’ –‘awaiting approval’ –‘approved’ Create standard formats –Headers, footers, font, cover page –Standard look-and-feel
8 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Management - Advanced The larger the project, the more rigor and structure is needed to manage documents.
9 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Management - Advanced Buy / build a more structured document repository Create logical / physical organization Define access rules Enforce versioning Set up keywords / indexing Establish update procedures
10 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Management - Advanced Periodically review documentation management Documents backed up and recoverable Stored in the right place Documents added on an ongoing basis or at the end of every major phase Documents retained and purged appropriately –Long term value –Point-of-time value
11 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Management - Advanced Assign a librarian for the document repository –Responsible for the repository processes –Responsible for repository integrity –Establishes, maintains, and enforces standards –Identifies / resolves problems –Monitors and controls access and updates –Archives and purges old content
12 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Life-Cycle 1.Prepare and plan the content 2.Create initial document Shorter duration, higher effort hours, bulk of work 3.Gather feedback and modify (iterative) Internal review, stakeholder review, management review Longer duration, fewer effort hours, bulk of duration 4.Gain final approval of document 5.Enhance and evolve as appropriate Mini life cycle
13 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Document Management Movement between in-progress, draft and final document 1.Starts in the author's workarea 2.Move to draft library when circulating 3.Copy back to workarea for updating, then back to draft library (update minor version # 1.1, 1.2) 4.Move to repository after approval 5.Pull back to workarea for later updating (update major version# 2.0, 3.0)
14 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Sample Directory Structure \Project Deliverables \Final \Draft \Work in Progress \Project Management Deliverables \Project Definition \Communications \Presentations \Financial Information \Logs \Reference \Tutorials \Templates \Workarea \Resource 1 \Resource 2 (.....) \Workplans \Status \Meeting Minutes \Reports \Other Reference Material
15 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Manage the Project Manage workplan Manage issues Manage scope Manage communication Manage risk Manage documentation Manage quality Manage metrics
16 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Learning Objectives By the end of class, each participant should be able to: Understand the value of project management processes Review the various aspects of defining a project Build and maintain an appropriate project workplan Identify and manage issues, scope and communication Identify and manage project risks Determine methods to manage project documentation Identify and manage to the appropriate level of quality Identify metrics to improve processes and declare success
17 TenStep Project Management Process ™ PM00.8 Questions??