Business, Technology, & Marketing Department Teacher: Mrs. Cindy Jackson Accounting, Multimedia, Computers Welcome to Room 13
Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Jackson’s class. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is OUR #1 rule. Positive attitude is the key to success. Let’s keep it all times.
Why Have Classroom Procedures? Keep us organized Prevent us from being confused Allow us to know what is coming next
Arrival to Class Be in your assigned seat when the bell sounds. As soon as you arrive in class, work on your bell ringer and objective question. Sheet provided to you. Class begins promptly each day.
NO EATING, DRINKING, OR CANDY IS PERMITTED IN CLASS This includes bottled water Breakfast break and lunchroom items are not allowed in the classroom. Failure to adhere to this will result in an office referral.
ASSIGNMENTS Essential to your academic success to complete all assignments. All graded work must be kept neatly in your folder/binder. DO NOT THROW ANYTHING AWAY! Every assignment must be turned in with your name, date, and assignment name. Place assignment in the appropriate basket in the front of the room. Check off your name under appropriate category on class roster.
ASSIGNMENTS Assignments are only made up according to excused absentee or school trip and will be due within the same number of school days missed. Example: You miss 2 days excused for sickness, then you have 2 days to make up work. Unexcused absence = no makeup work. Assignments to be graded should be placed in the appropriate class basket in the front baskets.
BE PREPARED Bring your materials and a pen or pencil to class every day. Pencils/pens will NOT be loaned out by the teacher. Pencils for sale $.25 or a $.50 for mechanical. Accounting students MUST use a pencil.
MANNERS Raise your hand if you have a question. Do not speak unless given permission by the teacher. Respect the teacher, as well as everyone around you. If a visitor enters the room or if I receive a phone call from a parent or from the office, you should remain on task and quiet.
HALL PASSES You are required Ask Permission to leave room. (Request may be denied) Sign out on the Hall Pass sheet on front file cabinet Wear Hall Pass around your neck the ENTIRE time you are out of classroom. You will not be allowed to leave the room without the required Hall Pass. Make all restroom visits and phone calls between classes.
CHEATING Zero tolerance. WHEN caught, an automatic zero! You will be written up and a call home to your parents/guardians. This includes copying, pasting, printing someone else’s work, allowing someone else to “borrow” your work, etc.
CELL PHONES Cell Phones should be put up and never taken out for any reason during class. If I see or hear a cell phone, I will take it and turn it in to the office. NO Exceptions!!!! RULE
END OF CLASS You must remain seated until I dismiss class- not the BELL! When leaving, make sure your desk and work area is straightened up. Place all trash in the trash can. Log off computers, push your chair under desk. *8 th period, shut down computers and turn off monitors.
ABSENCES RULE The best way to learn is to be here! It is your responsibility to find out what you missed. Ask a classmate or ask me before or after class. Tardies – Tardies disrupt teaching and learning! I will not tolerate! Tardies will be written up and reported to the office! Objective questions and bell ringers are turned in every other Friday for a grade. If absent, it is your responsibility to,mark the reason for your absence on your worksheet.
ATTENDANCE POLICY Students have up to the same number of days missed to make up assignments and/or tests due to an excused absence. Work may be made up before or after school and must be scheduled with the course instructor. You MAY NOT make up tests during class time.
SEMESTER TEST POLICY ALL students will now be required to take semester or end of course exams.
GRADING Assignments will not be accepted when turned in after the due date. (Excused absences are the exception) ONE low daily/homework grade will be dropped at the end of the nine weeks. Zero’s kill your grade.
GRADING Homework and activities will count 5-50 points each. Tests and projects will count points each. Cheating will result in a grade of 0 with a discipline form submitted to the office.
MATERIALS NEEDED Organization is important to be successful in college and in the business world. It will also help you to succeed in this class. Folder with prongs or 1 to 1 ½ inch binder to keep graded assignments and information packets (for your use, not mine) Ink pen or pencil (Accounting must use pencil.) Flash Drive is recommended.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Books when used for class are not to be removed from this room unless permission has been given by the teacher. Do not operate computers unless you have received instruction from the teacher. NO GAMES, NO GAMES, NO GAMES!!!! Do not move anything not belonging to you. This includes items belong to the teacher, as well as items belonging to students.
QUIZ QUIZ over Rules & Procedures tomorrow.