Jane Hooper Grade 3
How do I identify a genre by its characteristics?
What is a literary genre? A genre is a particular style or type of writing.
Major Genres Fiction Fiction – Writing that tells about imaginary people and events Non-Fiction Non-Fiction – Writing that tells about real people and events
uses carefully selected words and phrases to create vivid pictures in the reader’s mind lines of poetry (verses) are written in stanzas may include patterns of rhyme to capture the reader’s interest
Drama a cast of characters a narrator who gives important information parts called acts or scenes props to help support action dialogue that tells what the actors say stage directions in italics
Realistic Fiction The setting is realistic The characters speak and act like real people The story describes real-life problems and events The setting is realistic The characters speak and act like real people The story describes real-life problems and events
Actions are repeated over and over Some fables teach a lesson about what is important in life, such as fairness, kindness, or cleverness Characters are simpler than real people - they may be completely greedy, completely wicked, or verygentle Fable
Folk Tale Told in many different versions by many different people Told in many different versions by many different people Original storyteller is unknown Original storyteller is unknown Characters are animals that act and speak like people Characters are animals that act and speak like people Repetition Repetition Use of the number three Use of the number three
Tall Tale Extraordinary person - the main character is better at things than an ordinary person Exaggeration – makes something greater or bigger than it really could be Explanation – explains how something came to be
Myth / Legend Myth / Legend A kind of fantasy A kind of fantasy A very old story handed down by word of mouth A very old story handed down by word of mouth Explains something about nature or answers questions about the meaning of life or what is good or evil Explains something about nature or answers questions about the meaning of life or what is good or evil
Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Often begin with Once upon a time or Long, long ago Often begin with Once upon a time or Long, long ago Include a good character and a bad (evil) character Include magic or something enchanted Involves a problem that is solved and the good people live happily ever after Setting is a forest or a castle
Biography Biography Nonfiction Nonfiction Story about a real person’s life that is written by another person Story about a real person’s life that is written by another person Can cover a person’s whole life, part of a person’s life, or a single incident Can cover a person’s whole life, part of a person’s life, or a single incident A true account of a person’s life based on facts collected by the author A true account of a person’s life based on facts collected by the author Written from the third person point of view (he or she) Written from the third person point of view (he or she)
References Scott Foresman Reading – grade 3 Scott Foresman Reading – grade 3