Special Programs Enrollment: 741 Gender: Male-46.8%, Female-53.2% Ethnicity: White-80.4%, Amer. Indian/ Alaska Native-7.2% Free or Reduced Meals: 77.2% Special Education: 16.1% Bilingual: 5.6% Student Body
o 13,189 items in Collection o Books per student: o Average Age: 1983 o Reference: 12% of collection
Focus for Weeding & Update: Reference Section CBAs: American History, Washington State History Size comparably sufficient Outdated Budget $20 per student Total: $
Learner-Centered Collection Scaffold Curriculum Support Learning Styles Reflect Diversity of Community
#1 Provide access to information by obtaining resources that fulfill the instructional needs of school curriculum, and develop a budget that will allow the purchase of required materials #2 Set purchasing priorities according to the needs of school curriculum and state standards. Allocate funds and account for spending appropriately, as required by district policy. #3 Obtain costs of resources, and explore options for funding (i.e.-grants, parent organizations, book fairs, state funding, Title I, etc.)
Collaborate Analyze Research Purchase
A Pictorial History of the Negro in America greatest African Americans : a biographical encyclopedia Title suggested by Sunlink.ucf.edu for weeding The NY Public Library Amazing African American History