RIPPLL Regional Interoperability Project on Progression for Lifelong Learning
The consortium Both Nottingham HEIs (University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University) Both Nottingham HEIs (University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University) City of Nottingham Passport (LEA) City of Nottingham Passport (LEA) Nottingham FE Colleges Nottingham FE Colleges Local employers Local employers
Background FDTL project at UoN: PARs FDTL project at UoN: PARs Making the Links Making the Links Specifying an ePortfolio (JISC MLE phase 2) Specifying an ePortfolio (JISC MLE phase 2) JISC ePortfolio Reference Model project (eP4LL) JISC ePortfolio Reference Model project (eP4LL) RIPPLL project (JISC DeL Regional Pilot programme) RIPPLL project (JISC DeL Regional Pilot programme)
Context Focus on transition supported by ePortfolio Focus on transition supported by ePortfolio Build on and extend existing partnerships Build on and extend existing partnerships Towards a regional identity: joining up systems in the region Towards a regional identity: joining up systems in the region Support WP agenda Support WP agenda Focus on a wider range of learners Focus on a wider range of learners
Interoperability pedigree 2003 data transfer ePARs and LUSID 2003 data transfer ePARs and LUSID Early 2005: UK LeaP transfer CoNP to ePARs Early 2005: UK LeaP transfer CoNP to ePARs 2005: consultation with UCAS for using UK LeaP for application data 2005: consultation with UCAS for using UK LeaP for application data
Pedagogic strand Wide range of learners, including vocational pathways Wide range of learners, including vocational pathways Progression from study-study, study-work, work-study Progression from study-study, study-work, work-study Scenario/use case methodology Scenario/use case methodology
Pedagogic strand (2) Work with HEIs, FE, training providers, Connexions, local employers Work with HEIs, FE, training providers, Connexions, local employers Use cases published on web site for wider consultation Use cases published on web site for wider consultation Focus on need for continuity and progression (learners regress after transition) Focus on need for continuity and progression (learners regress after transition)
Pedagogic successes Through involvement of CoNP we have support of all FE colleges in the region Through involvement of CoNP we have support of all FE colleges in the region Sharing the HE vision/experience across platforms Sharing the HE vision/experience across platforms Building a regional identity Building a regional identity
Technical work: overview Joining up systems Joining up systems Development of HE electronic PDP system Development of HE electronic PDP system Transition to local HEIs from CoNP Transition to local HEIs from CoNP Electronic application to FE Electronic application to FE Shibboleth Shibboleth
Joining up systems Building on previous experience using UK LeaP (BS 8788) standard Building on previous experience using UK LeaP (BS 8788) standard Technical consortium have agreed minimum data set (identity data + personal statement) Technical consortium have agreed minimum data set (identity data + personal statement) Demonstrated lifelong learner journey by passing one individuals data across 5 transitions: KS4, FE, HE and employment Demonstrated lifelong learner journey by passing one individuals data across 5 transitions: KS4, FE, HE and employment
PDP at NTU Existing system based on dowloadable Word templates Existing system based on dowloadable Word templates These are being converted to HTML input forms: granular data is stored in databases, enabling interoperability transfers into and out of the system These are being converted to HTML input forms: granular data is stored in databases, enabling interoperability transfers into and out of the system
CoNP to Nottingham HE New Entrant Profile for UoN embedded in CoNP site New Entrant Profile for UoN embedded in CoNP site Joining up CoNP and NTU PDP systems so that new students can get a head start with the system once a place is confirmed Joining up CoNP and NTU PDP systems so that new students can get a head start with the system once a place is confirmed
Application to FE Common application form marked up as UK LeaP Common application form marked up as UK LeaP Populated automatically from PassportFolio Populated automatically from PassportFolio Communicated to College MIS systems using web services Communicated to College MIS systems using web services Web services also allow feedback to schools Web services also allow feedback to schools
Shibboleth Deployed on Microsoft platform (most support documentation is Unix-based) Deployed on Microsoft platform (most support documentation is Unix-based) Dummy service between two servers at NTU Dummy service between two servers at NTU Trialling use for authentication of PDP data Trialling use for authentication of PDP data
Where next? Supporting sustainability of systems within the region Supporting sustainability of systems within the region Involving more local employers, including SMEs Involving more local employers, including SMEs Extension of interoperability pilots to use web services Extension of interoperability pilots to use web services Dissemination to the wider community: the RIPPLL effect! Dissemination to the wider community: the RIPPLL effect!