The national school system is run by the State through the Ministry of Education(MIUR),the Regional and Provincial School Offices. Schools have their own Teaching, Organizational, Researching and Testing Autonomy. Then there is the Vocational Training which depends on Regions and that gets in touch the initial and continuous training with the job market, on a local level.
In Emilia Romagna there are the private training agencies which are supported by the Region itself. There are also other kinds of governance which derive from the reformation of the Constitution. They give more independence to the various schools with reference to the working-out of Curricula and offer a wider chance to compare themselves to Public and Private Institutions.
On occasion of the recent law of raising the compulsory attendance to school till the age of 16, the European Union has introduced the Competences of the Active Citizens. In Piacenza these indications are also supported by processes of research-action and involve the cooperation of Schools, Vocational Training Agencies and the CDE ( Centre for the Educational Record)
a secondary school with an emphasis on humanities (Liceo Classico Gioia) a secondary school with an emphasis on Sciences (Liceo Scientifico Respighi) a secondary school with an emphasis on the Social Environment (Liceo Colombini) and the Vocational Training Centre ENAIP – PC
Module 2 Working together in a cooperative way, participating and acting in a self- governing way Module 3 Liceo Colombini Social Level Module 3 " Liceo Gioia Linguistics Level Module 3 Liceo Respighi Scientifico Foreign Language Level Module 3 Learning and interpreting the information
Module 4 Projecting Module 5 Liceo Gioia Critical analysis of the information Module 5 Liceo Colombini Methodology of the Social Research Module 5 Liceo Respighi Scientific language Module 5 Learning and interpreting the information Detecting links and relation Solving problems Module 6 Communicating
The project aims to show the points of contact in a general training but also it wants to demonstrate how it's possible to enrich the Citizens’ Personality through the specific knowledges of the different courses.
In the province of Piacenza schools, local administrations and enterprises have been working for a long time to raise the quality of learning to decrease the number of students who quit the school and to improve the alternation between school and work. An activity of research has been conducted by the school and vocational training's teachers and the CDE to create the structure of the system and to share the students‘ necessary competences which can be used as criteria for the quality of the school
The identified competences are effective for the whole provincial territory and they have been listed according to their learning difficulty in order to be a sort of diagnosis of the definciecies or to be a credit. See an exemple ( inserire link)