The school is well equipped with a range of facilities, including 46 glasshouse compartments (22 of ACGM standard) for the growth of plants directly in soil and in containers and 52 controlled Environment rooms and cabinets. Plants are grown all year round in glasshouses with provision for the control of temperature, light intensity and daylength. Glasshouses used by the Tropical Crops Research Unit are equipped to provide conditions experienced in the tropics Many glasshouse compartments are computer controlled with facilities for data logging. This provides efficient control and monitoring of environmental factors, including the operation of shade screens and supplementary lighting. Screens over venti- lators and access to glasshouse compart- ments through con- tainment areas provide the ACGM conditions required for GM plants.
Controlled environment rooms and cabinets are used for the incubation of whole plants and cultures of plant tissues and cells, insects and microorganisms. Plants are established for studies of the genetic improvement and multiplication of germplasm, including germplasm held in the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre. High intensity illumination in growth cabinets allows the simulation of natural light conditions required for studies of the physiology of crop growth and development.
Open top chambers are used in the field to study plant growth and development in modified gaseous atmospheres under conditions of ambient light and temperature. In addition, the University has a 400 hectare commercial farm at Sutton Bonington which provides crop science experimental areas, including 20 hectares of experimental trials and 20 hectares of land in organic conversion. The farm provides high quality facilities, resources and opportunities for research with crops and has a key educational role by providing an environment for effective tuition of students in Biosciences. School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Nr Loughborough, Leics LE12 5RD