My Excel Macro Based on macro by Frank Millenaar (Utrecht)Frank Millenaar Selects genes of interest from Mas5 output spreadsheet Visualises expression profiles as combined: data-tables heat-maps Can adapt for different combinations of chips to give different profiles Eg a range of organs. Similar in function to GenevestigATor ….but me if you want to have a go.
Input Unformatted NASCAffy (MAS5) output –All 23,000 genes from ATH1 chip –For each gene SpotID Probe Name Gene Name Description Process URL For each array –Signal value –Detection Call –Detection P Value Each replicate chip is separate (3) columns –IE to much data for a human mind to see patterns! List of genes of interest
Data for our chosen genes only Can use different chip sets –e.g. organs –e.g. treatments Replicate chips can be meaned For each gene, only: Gene Name For each chip –Signal value (Description) (Process) Signal values colour-coded for visual impact = Heat map output chips genes annotation