WHEN DOES THE SCHOOL START? Dutch children start going to school when they are 5 year old However, 99% of children start the school one year before, when they are only 4 years old.
HOW OLD ARE THE CHILDREN WHEN THEY GO SCHOOL?? The school is compulsory until the pupils turn 18. The primary school (Basisschool) last for 7 years: they when they are 5 years old and finish when they are 12 years old. The school lasts 13 years
After the Basisschool the students have to attend a secondary school (Voortgezetonderwijs) The education is free and the families don’t have to pay. However the majority of the schools are controlled by private organization
… AND AFTER THE BASISSCHOOL?? They are three choices: - VBO or MBO: professional schools - HAVO: general secondary schools - VWO: which is a type of school that prepares the pupils for the University. It is divided in two parts: Atheneum and Gymnasium. In Holland there are speficic schools for children who suffer from behaviour disorders or have disabilities. They can go to school from 4 years old to 20 years old. This depends on their problems.
THE SCHOOL YEAR AND THE SCHOOL WEEK The school year lasts about 200 days and it begins in August and finishes in June. During the week the students have lesson only 5 days: from Monday to Friday
FROM…TO…???? The school in Italy is compulsory from 6 years old to 16 years old. The Constitution of the Italian Republic says that the Education is open to everyone (Art. 34)
THE LEVEL OF EDUCATION There are three education’s levels: 1.The primary school, last 5 years 2.The secondary school, which includes the middle school (3 years) and high school (5 years) 3.The superior education, which includes the university.
…WHICH POSSIBILITY?? After the middle school They are three choice: - Liceo, which pepares for the University - Istituto tecnico, the students learn about tecnical jobs. - Istituto professionale, which prepares for a specific work.
MAYBE YOU DON’T KNOW THAT… Differently from the Dutch school system, in Italy it there isn’t a specific school for children with disabilities; they attend the school with other students. In the past there were special schools also in Italy, but not anymore.
SOURCES Internet: /2012/miur/download/Analisi_Olandahttp:// /2012/miur/download/Analisi_Olanda (pdf) Wikipedia, _Bassi _Bassi Books Italian Costitution Dei M., (2007), la scuola in Italia, il Mulino, Bologna
By Giorgia Coser and Assia Elmayar Liceo A. Rosmini