National ICT Forum Status On ICT in the Education Sector
Introduction DoSE introduced ICT in the workplace to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of administration There exists a LAN and Internet connectivity at Headquarters and Apollo Annex Operational EMIS/GIS developed ICT Policy framework being developed
Introduction (contd) At the level of the schools : DoSE procuring 500 Computers and peripherals Computer labs already constructed in most of the schools and these will be networked and connected to the Internet. Many schools already have computers and Internet connectivity. Tertiary institutions: ICT used, mainly for administrative and educational purposes. At the GTTI for example, there are two networked labs connected to the Internet. Various computer courses offered.
ADMINISTRATION ICT has greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of administration. Time is saved using a word processor for standard documents, instead of having to retype them. Internally, WinPopup is widely used to communicate with colleagues, especially as regards meetings, shutting down the server. is also widely used.
The EMIS The EMIS provides the DoSE with information on name, age, location, qualifications, and promotion history of its staff. School buildings, toilets etc can also be found. The availability of such information has made decision-making lot easier, especially in terms of postings and training needs. The success of the EMIS within DoSE has attracted other Departments of State to emulate our example. A Geographic Information System has also been developed and is operational.
The Computer Literacy/ICT Programme Started in 1999 with 32 participants, including school teachers and principals, trained for 10 weeks at the GTTI on keyboarding, word processing, basic troubleshooting and maintenance.
The Computer Literacy/ICT Programme Workshops with World Links In April 2001: Champion’ teachers Workshop May 2001: Policy Makers Workshop September 2001: Using ICT to teach Science December 2001: Troubleshooting and Maintenance April 2002: Gender and ICT
International Collaborators DFID World Links Peace Corps Action Aid GambiaHELP
Local Collaborators GamTel Quantum CUBE CET Private Individuals
Major Constraints Cost Power Supply ICT Expertise
Conclusion DoSE achievement New Horizons